Wednesday, August 31, 2005

You and I - part 5

He lays beside her, watching the sunshine dance across her face. A sudden urge wells up inside him, and he has to restrain himself from wanting to gently shake her awake and beg her never to leave him. In their bed beside him, she sleeps peacefully. He always thought she looked so beautiful when she slept. It is Saturday morning, the last weekend of February. She wrinkles her nose and stretches, smiling brightly as her eyes open.
"Good morning!" she says smiling. He smiles at her, scooping her up into his arms without saying anything. He hugs her tightly, and although she is surprised, she hugs him back. "Darling, are you okay?" she asks softly.
"Never leave me again, angel... please don't." he whispers against her hair, and she instinctively holds him tighter.
"But honey... you know I would never leave you." she says, looking in his eyes. He nods slowly.
"Yes, I know." he says, and she tilts her head. She rests her hands on his cheeks, kissing his nose gently as she smiles.
"Tell me..." she says softly, and he sighs as he looks in her eyes.
"I was just watching you sleep... and when you were away last month, it felt awful. I'd just like it if you never left me anymore..." he says, talking as if he were an embarrassed child. She smiles, bringing him into her arms.
"Oh, darling..." she whispers. "I know it felt awful... it felt awful to be away from you. And I don't want to leave you anymore either. But how are we supposed to go to work?" she asks, and he smiles.
"Well... I know I get to come home to you when my day ends. But I meant like longer than a day... maybe we could try not to leave each other for too long?" he asks, and she nods.
"Yes, I think we should try that. No leaving each other for too long." she says, running her fingers through his hair. He smiles, taking her face in his hands.
"You're smart." he says smiling, and she giggles.
"Nah... you are." she says, touching his nose. He laughs and hugs her tightly.
"I love you, angel." he says softly, kissing her lips so tenderly.
"I love you, too." she whispers in his ear, causing shivers to shoot throughout his body. He holds her tighter, feeling like the happiest man in the world. She closes her eyes, loving every second when he holds her tightly like this. His strong arms are her very own walls of protection, they will fight away anything or anyone bad. She snuggles closer to him. This is her safest place to hide; in his embrace. She can't think of anywhere that is safer that being in his arms.
"Don't let go of me just yet." she whispers, looking up at him. He smiles, kissing her hair.
"Don't worry, baby... I won't let go of you." he says, cradling her so close to him.

You and I - part 4

Christmas had come and gone, and the chilly days and night of January made the world seem cold and black. The apartment seemed to have lost some of its light and life when she had left, and he would sometimes just sit there and listen to the silence. Sometimes, it seemed the silence was so loud it made his head hurt. He holds his hands up over his ears, wanting to block out the screaming silence. It was a completely different feeling when she was there, the entire place felt lighter and warmer and happy. Howling winds causes the windows to shiver, and he goes to the stereo to put some music on. One of her CD's are in the player, and he pushes the play button and turns up the volume. It is as if she was suddenly there again, the place feels better almost at once. He smiles as he walks into the kitchen and openes the freezer in search of something he can make dinner out of. There is a plastic container in there, a note taped to the lid. He lifts it out, seeing his name printed in her handwriting on the note.
I made your favourite so you won't go hungry. God only knows what you would cook up on your own! ;o) Don't be sad, sweet, I won't be gone long.
I love you so much xoxoxo"
He smiles to himself, popping the container into the microwave. She has been gone for five days, due to arrive home tomorrow. Her father's aunt passed away, and she was called home for the funeral. He had taken her to the airport, kissed her many times and whispered he would miss her. Then she had walked through the security check and she was gone. He sits at the kitchen counter, thinking how he misses her. On the table in the living room, her papers and wedding plans are all put neatly to one side. Everything organized in folders and plastic sleeves. He smiles as he picks up a folder, noticing a red book near the bottom of the stack. Carefully, he takes it out and carries it with him back to the kitchen. The microwave beeps, and he removes the container. He grabs some cutlery, a beer from the fridge and balances it all as he walks to the sofa. Sitting down, he takes a bite of the lasagna she made for him and smiles.
"Thank you, honey." he says aloud to no one but himself. He carefully opens the book, quickly noticing it is a scrapbook. The first page has silver words printed on it, and it reads Happily Ever After. She has written it herself, he notices her writing. He turns the page, seeing pictures of wedding dresses that she has glued in. There are many pictures in the book, some are drawings. He lets his fingers run over the pictures and drawings, feeling like the luckiest man alive getting to make her dreams come true. As if she knew his thoughts, his phone rings beside him. He smiles as he answers.
"My angel, I was just thinking about you." he says, and she laughs on the other end.
"I was thinking about you, too. I wanted to hear your voice." she says softly, and he closes his eyes picturing her face.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asks. She sighs softly on the other end, and he can hear the duvet on her bed softly moving as she lays down.
"Yeah." she says.
"Tell me..." he says, his mind picturing her in one of the dresses in her book.
"It's not been too much happiness. She was my granny's last sister-in-law. She and my dad are basically the only ones left of their line, and I think my granny is a bit upset." she says, running her fingers through her hair. "I wish you were here..." she whispers, and he can sense her tears. "Not to be amidst all this sadness, but... I..." she says, not sure what to say.
"You need me." he finishes for her, and she nods.
"Yeah." she says, smiling a little. She closes her eyes, pretending she can feel his warm hand stroking her cheek.
"I know, angel. You'll be home tomorrow, and I'll be here for you." he says.
"Yeah, I can hardly wait to see you again." she says smiling, and he laughs.
"Me either!" he says. "Oh, and thanks for the lasagna. It was lovely!" he says, making her laugh.
"I thought I'd have to leave you some food. If not, you might be surviving on cereals and water." she says smiling, a teasing tone to her voice. He smiles.
"That's what you think!" he says grinning, and they laugh.

He stands in the arrival hall, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he scans the screens of arrivals and the crowd around him. Whenever the sliding doors open and people walk out, he stretches his neck to see whether or not he can see her. The information on the screen changes, and her flight now has a status of 'arrived'. The feeling inside him is almost the same as the day he picked her up from the airport when she came to live with him. He wonders for a moment whether or not his happiness is clearly visible for those around him, if they can see the butterflies in his stomach. A blonde head catches his eyes and he turns, but it isn't her. His heart sinks a little, but the feeling is only momentary. She walks out the doors, keeping her head slightly down. His heart soars again, feeling like shouting out loud, but he holds his tongue and calls her name instead. She looks up and smiles when she sees him, hurrying over to him.
"Baby, you're home!" he says as he wraps her up in his arms, squeezing her tightly.
"Hey honey." she says smiling, kissing him softly. He gently strokes her cheek, looking into her eyes as he smiles.
"I missed you, beautiful." he whispers, and she giggles.
"I missed you too, baby." she whispers back. He hugs her again, holding her close.
"Come on, let's go home. It's been so dark and lonely there without you." he says, letting her go. She smiles as he takes her bag, and she slips her arm under his as they walk out to the car.
"How was your flight? Are you tired?" he asks as they drive home.
"It was good. I'm not too tired, I fell asleep on the plane." she says, smiling when he puts his hand on her knee. His hand is warm, and it seeps through her jeans.
"Would you like an ice cream and movie night, then?" he asks, looking at her sideway. She smiles and laughs.
"It sounds perfect!" she says, feeling butterflies soar in her tummy when he caresses her cheek.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Spending money

Oh my gosh... I just purchased two DVD boxes, one containing 5 discs the other 6, with a whole bunch of Marilyn Monroe movies! All digitally remastered (it says so on the box) and since this is apparently the new and improved edition, they've thrown in I think it was 4 of her lesser known movies as well. And I got it all for £36.27! That makes out to be just over 420 Norwegian kroner. Which is a rather sweet prize to pay for a total of 11 discs of Marilyn Monroe! hihi ;o) Best thing... they're to be delivered next week! Woohoo! *grin* Will be spending a large amount of time in front of the TV for nights on end when I get the boxes... hihihi :o) Had my boyfriend been here, I might have made him watch a few with me.. but then again, what would I say he was being punished for, right? ;o) lol Honey, if you're reading this - don't worry, I won't make you watch 11 Marilyn movies with me! Please breathe!

Whilst on the subject of spending money... did I mention I was going to Italy on Friday?? :o) Well, I am.. to lovely Milan. Or Milano if you want to be Italian and correct about it. ;o) And I will be spending money there... they do say that the only things that are 'cheap' in Italy are shoes and bags. So I will obey the rule (believe me, I do so willingly!), and stick to buying shoes and bags. Not that difficult seeing as I am a shoeholic... and Travis is threatening to send me to AIDS (Addicted Indefinitely to Shoes) meetings. ;o) lol Do not worry, faithful readers... come Monday night, I might just add a little post telling you how I've had it in Italy! Look forward to it! lol ;o)

Monday, August 29, 2005

Today's horoscope

June 21 - July 21
You have an urge to hop on a plane and leave the country, dear Cancer. It seems that is the only way to free yourself from the mountain of professional and social obligations that are piling up. How can you ever hope to attend all of them, or even half? Have you considered that you may not need to? Send someone else in your stead, perhaps, or simply respond that you cannot make it. You would not be the first to say "no." You are entitled to some down time.
That was my horoscope for the day... sometimes, those things are really quite on the money, aren't they? Even if they apply to like seveteen million cancers all over the world! lol ;o) In my case today, it is only the "hop on a plane and leave the country" part that's true. I really don't have a mountain of professional and social obligations piling up. In fact, I might never have had that! lol But I would very much like to hop on a plane.. now, I am actually doing that on Friday because I'm going to Italy with my parents and brother. And I am very much looking forward to that! Milan - shoes, bags and good food... yay! :o) Hopefully, my money will last the weekend! hehe Well... am going shopping with mum on Saturday, and I'm hoping it will benefit me a little. ;o) In any case, I will be getting paid the Friday after I get home, so perhaps my credit cards will be used as well.. you never know! :o)
So, how do you all like the "You and I" story? :o) Hopefully the ones that sometimes read my blog are liking it! And if you're wondering where I'm going with the story, or when it'll be finished and that sort of thing... I don't know for sure. I just started writing it, and each time I start a new part of it, I am not sure where it's gonna go or what will happen in it. I only find that out as I write. :o) And fear not, my fans... there will probably be a part 4 coming later on today! :o) hehe Who knows? Maybe this will turn into a little novel! lol And you can all say you read it before it was 'famous'. ;o) Or maybe not..! hehe

Sunday, August 28, 2005

You and I - part 3

She sits at the table, bent over a note pad and surrounded by papers and sketches. Long locks of her blonde hair slides down from her updo and falls against the table, they look like golden rivers flowing from her head. Even though she is wearing her glasses, she is bent far down over the paper as if she cannot see what she is writing. He sits in the sofa, the football game on the TV forgotten as he watches her. He is mesmerised by her, and each time he looks at her like he does now, there is always something about her that catches his attention. As if he is seeing her for the first time. This time, it is how her left eyebrow arches every now and again as she is working. He is certain that she is not even aware she is doing it. His eyes drift back to the TV-screen, just to check the score. From the corner of his eye he sees her sitting upright and stretching, her hand at her neck. When she lets her hair down for a moment, his eyes are on her again. With a few quick movements of her hand, she has put her hair up again in order to keep it from falling over her eyes. She bends down over the papers again, but sits up again moments later. He watches as she takes her glasses off and closes her eyes. He stands up and walks over to her, his hands starting to gently rub her shoulders and neck. She smiles and a sigh escapes her lips.
"Thank you..." she says, and he smiles as he leans down to kiss her hair.
"Feel better?" he asks, and she nods.
"Very much, thank you." she answers and he lets his arms slide around her neck. He bends down, resting his chin against her head.
"What are you working on?" he asks, and she pushes a few papers around on the table. Now he sees there are sketches of dresses, table settings and lists of party favours and other ideas she has jotted down.
"Wedding plans." she says, and he knows she is smiling as she speaks the words. He releases his hold on her and sits down on the chair beside her.
"How come you didn't tell me? I would have helped you." he says, and she turns to him and smiles.
"It's football night. You watch the game, and I do whatever I do." she says smiling. He looks at her and smiles, stroking her cheek.
"I have no idea what the score is, I hardly know which teams are playing. All I do is sit over there with the TV on and watch you." he says, and she blushes. "Besides, this is our wedding. I want to help you, I want to know what you want or don't want." he says smiling as he lifts her off of her chair, and into his lap. She giggles when he does.
"I want a beautiful wedding, with both our families and our friends there with us." she says. He nods, holding her a little closer.
"So do I." he says, and she smiles at him. "Tell me, when would you like it to be? Winter, spring, summer, fall?" he asks.
"I think each season has it's charm. And originally, I had my heart set on a spring or late summer wedding. But now... I want lots of warmth and candles and all the beautiful colours fall can give me." she says, her hands gesturing and her eyes alive with joy and delight. He smiles, thinking how he loves seeing her this happy.
"I think that sounds perfect. A beautiful fall day, crisp cool air outside, and soft warm lighting inside." he says, and she nods.
"Exactly!" she says smiling, her eyes shining as she looks at him. He brings her to him and kisses her, he just couldn't help himself. She smiles, placing an arm around his neck.
"Close your eyes, and tell me what you see... imagine the reception venue." he says, and she closes her eyes. She thinks for a moment, and a smile caresses her lips.
"It is warm... maybe a fire crackling in the fireplace. There are candles, and flowers in beautiful golden colours... warm yellow lilies, perhaps. The tables are set with creme colours, glasses filled with golden wine and plates filled with good food. The decorations on the tables are in reds and yellows and purple and dark green, leaves from the trees outside alongside flowers. There are people laughing and having a good time." she says, her eyes closed as she speaks. And she describes in such a way that he is seeing it too, and she shivers in his arms when she speaks of the warm fire. He holds her tightly, trying to envision how breathtaking she will be in her wedding dress. But he soon realises that he will never be able to imagine her until he sees her, and even then he will not be able to put into words how beautiful she looks.
"It sounds perfect, angel." he says, and she looks at him.
"So, you like it?" she asks, and he nods.
"I love it." he says, pushing a few strands of hair from her face. "It sounds absolutely perfect... it will be beautiful." he says, and she smiles.
"Should we set a date?" she asks, sliding a notebook over to her. "Or maybe just the month?" she says, looking at him.
"October." he says, smiling as he looks at her. "Which day is October 20th next year?" he asks, and she checks the planner in her little book.
"Friday." she says, unable to hide her big smile. He smiles.
"How about the 21st then? Saturday." he says, pointing to the date in the calendar. She nods, and looks at him.
"October 21st, 2006." she says, drawing a circle around the date in the calendar with gold ink. She looks at him and smiles, putting her arms around his neck. "It's perfect." she whispers as she hugs him. "The day after our anniversary. Oh, baby, it's perfect!" she whispers, and he can tell by her voice that her eyes are drowning in tears. She beams as he looks at her, drying her tears away. He kisses her tenderly, smiling as he pulls away.
"Yes..." he whispers to her. "It is perfect." She smiles and hugs him again.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

You and I - part 2

He watches her sleeping with a smile on his face. Something in her dreams makes her smile, and he laughs quietly as he strokes her hair. She has a look of innocence on her face, reminding him of a child when she sleeps peacefully. Her blonde hair spills out over the pillow, and his fingers seem drawn to it as if by some powerful magnetic force. It feels soft to his touch as he lets his fingers drown in it. He imagines her eyes again, the way they had seemed to sparkle up at him when they had made love just hours before.
"My perfect little angel..." he whispers, and leans down to kiss her forehead. She stirs and sighs, her eyes slowly opening. "I didn't mean to wake you." he says softly, his hand still stoking her hair. She stretches and smiles.
"It's okay." she says, reaching out to stroke his cheek. "Why are you still awake?" she asks as she pushes herself up. He looks at her for a moment, just admiring her.
"I don't know... I just didn't fall asleep, so I lay watching over you." he answers, and she blushes. He leans close to her and slides his hand around to the back of her neck. Gently pulling her close, his lips touch hers in a loving kiss. She smiles fondly at him, curling up beside him and resting her head on his chest. His heart beats strongly in his chest, and she giggles softly. He smiles, letting his fingers be lost in her hair once again. Soon enough, she sleeps soundly and his eyelids feel heavy. He brings her closer, needing her near him in order to fall asleep. When he was away, he didn't sleep well without her near him. He tossed and turned throughout the night, waking with only a few hours sleep every morning. He had grown accustomed to the warmth from her body lying next to his own, and when she was not there sleep seemed not to come to him. Her breath is warm against his skin, and he kisses her hair as he wraps his arms around her and finally falls asleep.

He knows something is missing before he even wakes up from his dream. She is not beside him, and the flat is quiet. He sits up and listens intently. From somewhere he hears her gentle humming, and the vague sound immediately calms him. The humming comes closer, and she walks into the bedroom carrying a trey.
"Oh, honey... you're awake." she says smiling, setting the trey down on the chair. She sits beside him on the side of the bed and kisses him softly. "I meant to surprise you." she says, running her fingers through his dark hair.
"I missed you." he says and pouts, yet his eyes reveal his smile. She tilts her head and smiles at him as she kisses him again. He smiles at her, kissing her hands in turn.
"I missed you, too." she says softly and winks at him. He laughs, playfully biting her finger.
"Are you still sure you will marry me?" he asks, looking in her eyes. She rests her hands on his cheeks, shakes her head a little and laughs.
"You've asked me that every morning since the day you proposed." she says with a smile on her face, gently kissing his nose. "And every morning I have said yes. Why do you keep asking? Don't you know already that I want to be your wife?" she says, tilting her head as she looks at him. He smiles, almost shyly.
"You tell me so, and you show me so. But I only ask for my own sake, to make sure that I'm not dreaming all of this." he says, feeling foolish when he blushes at what he says. The look on her face already reveals how she feels.
"Awww, darling..." she sighs, bringing him into her arms. She hugs him tightly for a long while, and when he looks at her again tears are trickling down her face, but she smiles. "Then you can ask all you want, honey." she says softly. He hugs her again, thanking everything holy for sending her to him. They kiss, smiling at one another as they rest their foreheads against each other's. He kisses her again, a long lingering kiss before he slowly pulls away.
"I love you so..." he whispers, and she smiles.
"I love you, too..." she whispers back. "Breakfast?" she asks, and he laughs.
"Sounds perfect, sweetheart." he says, moving to create space for her next to him.

You and I - part 1

[title still unclear, suggestions welcome! :o) ]

It is a clear day, the sun is shining from a high blue sky without a cloud in sight. But the air is still cold, and she has to wrap up in warm clothes for a walk outside. The leaves are all turning yellow, orange and red and flutter gently to the ground. The street is lined with trees on either side, and they are full of beautifully coloured leaves. She looks up to the blue heavens as she walks, drawing in the crisp air. The ground is already littered with leaves, and they crunch quietly under her black boots. A smile kisses her lips, and she does a twirl for no reason at all. Her own silly behaviour causes her to laugh softly at herself, and she shakes her head. Blonde locks crash softly against her jaw when she does, and she lifts her glove-clad hands to straighten her light green hat. The autumn sunshine causes the sequins embroided onto the hat to glitter lazily for a moment. She stands still for a moment, letting the early Sunday morning silence fill her. There is no one out yet, she is the only one on the street. The only one in the city, it seems. A clock somewhere rings to tell her it's turned half eight, and she checks her own watch just to be sure. He'll be there soon. She pulls her jacket straight and starts walking again. Her green tweed skirt dances around her knees, her boots making vague clicking sounds each time they hit the pavement. She smiles as she walks, tossing one end of her scarf over her shoulder. It is light green like her hat, with shimmering sequins on each end that play with the rays of sunshine they catch. Nearing the train station, she checks her watch again. Fifteen minutes has passed, and her heart skips a beat. His train was due in at 08:45, just one minute ago. She has only one more corner to turn, then she'll soon be in his arms again. Without her mind really being aware of her hands' actions, her fingers run over the little bump the ring on her left finger causes through her gloves. Her smile grows as she turns the corner, and stops in her tracks. He turns when he hears footsteps, smiling at her when she turns the corner. The cool morning has left red roses in her cheeks, and she looks radiant standing there smiling in front of him. He holds his arms out to her, his heart pounding in his chest.
"My angel..." he whispers, but loud enough for her to hear in the quiet morning. Her smile almost makes him lose his breath, and he realises his eyes are filling with tears. She runs into his arms, throwing her own arms around his neck. He squeezes her tightly, lifting her up off the ground and spinning her around. They hold on to each other, neither of them willing to let go. He releases his hold on her slightly, looking into her eyes.
"I missed you." he says, kissing her nose, her cheeks, her forehead. She giggles softly.
"I missed you, too." she smiles, and receives a tender kiss. How she has longed for his kisses, and he has only been away for a week. "You've been away too long, darling." she says, resting her head on his shoulder. He smiles and rests his hand against the back of her head, as if he is protecting her.
"I know, sweetheart... I know." he says, holding her just a little closer. She looks up into his eyes, and his breath catches in his throat. Her eyes have always done that to him. "My God, you are beautiful." he says softly, caressing her face with such love. Anyone who had been there then, would have seen and even felt the love between the couple. She blushes and smiles.
"Thank you." she whispers coyly, looking down at her feet. He tilts her chin up and kisses her. Without a word, he speaks to her of his undying love. She rests her hand on his cheek, the soft glove tickling his skin. In her eyes, he sees all the love she has for him and he smiles at her.
"Come on... I passed a lovely little café on the way here, they're already open." she says, and he picks up his bag and takes her hand.
"Let's go then, angel." he says. They walk dangerously close to one another, their fingers laced together as they make their way back up the street.

Rainy day(s)

It was such a joy waking up to a cool grey morning today... not really..! hehe But even if the weather sucks, and you need to bring out the slightly warmer jumpers, it still does something to you. Well, me anyway. ;o) It makes me want to curl up on the sofa under a blanket, have some hot chocolate and cookies, watch a nice movie (preferably an old one) and cuddle... no, not on your own, silly! With your significant other, I mean. :o) Days like this remind me that autumn isn't too far away, and even if I do like spring and summer best, autumn is a beautiful time of year too. Just imagine being out on a walk on a clear day, with sunshine making all the leaves look golden against the high blue sky. Ooh.... I just had a brainwave.. ;o) hihihi

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

More pet names!

I promised you more pet names given to me by my boyfriend when I remembered them, and I've just been reading every single email he's written me since we met... I found a nice handful of new names he's called me! :o) lol Lucky you, getting to read about this, eh? ;o)
Right... I've found only two 'normal' ones, and those are sweetheart and sweetie. Very cute pet names, by the way. :o) Then we have the ones he's created for me himself... and I gotta say, he's pretty creative when it comes to pet names! lol Read on and see for yourself! ;o)
Okay, we have little goddess, favourite woman on Earth, dream girl, my weakness, lovely lady, dreamy lady, perfect angel, beautiful queen, finest girl on planet Earth... now, some of these names are very much how he sees me as you may already have guessed! he he he Then I found two that are very much his own creative creations, and I'm pretty sure no girl has these pet names; vanilla cream smoothness and creamy sweet skinned non-American perfection! hehe Now, don't tell me my boy isn't clever! lol Or just has a lot of spare time to create these things for me... ;o)

Like I wrote at the beginning, I've spent today reading every email he's written me since we first met last October. And it was fun seeing how it started out with just like friendly talks about how our days were and how school was for me, and how work was for him. But he always gave me plenty of compliments, always told me I was beautiful. Then as I read on, I was thinking to myself how I was probably in love with him rather soon after meeting him... :o) Then the emails after he'd told me he loved me and up until today were filled with declarations of love and devotion, telling each other how much we missed one another. :o) I suppose the emails before he said he loved me was filled with that too.. only it wasn't said in words, but somehow you could detect it when reading them. Perhaps I can detect it, because I think that maybe already then our hearts knew we were each other's "the one".. so they communicated to each other, but we just didn't hear them at first. :o) I'd like to think so anyway.. :o)

- Little goddess ;o)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Music and stuff

This Saturday - the 20th - it was a whole ten months since I first met my boyfriend. It feels like I've known him for much longer than 'just' ten months. When October comes around, it will be our one-year anniversary. :o) We'll have made it through one year, with only a long weekend of about 5 days spent together... five days seem almost insignificant, considering that 360 days have been spent many thousand miles apart. But still... that weekend was probably the best weekend of my entire 22-year long life. And when he comes to see me for New Year's, I'm sure the time we spend together then will also be the best time ever. :o) What really sucks is we won't even get to spend our anniversary together.. even that will have to be spent apart. Even though we live far apart, there is no man I would want other than him. Not only is he my boyfriend, but also my best friend. And he always tells me the same is true for me. :o) Just last night, he told me "I love you.. so very much. I wouldn't trade you for the world." And I nearly cried, because it was just such a sweet thing to say... and I am such a sucker for lovely, romantic things. :o) And it seems like every song I hear now makes me think of him, in some way or another. It doesn't have to be the entire song, it can just be a line... or the melody, or not even the song at all. Just that it reminds me of something because maybe that song was played. :o)

"Close your eyes, make a wish
This could last forever
If only you could stay with me now
So tell me what it is that keeps us from each other now
Yeah, its coming to get me
You're under my skin..."

Like this song, for instance.. it's called "Climbing The Walls". :o) And the chorus is nice...

"No I can't ever let you go
You're a part of me now
Caught by the taste of your kiss
And I don't wanna know the reason why I can't stay forever like this
Now I'm climbing the walls cuz I miss you..."

See what I mean? Nice, huh? :o) And I am practically climbing the walls because I miss him.. and I have no idea why I can't stay with him forever. So in that respect, it's very suiting right now! ;o) This is a line from a song called "Poster Girl"... "What good is tomorrow without a guarantee?" I like that line... kinda makes you think, if you're in that kinda mood I guess. ;o) That same song has a very nice 'bridge' I believe they are referred to as.

"Tell me what you want from me
I've got everything you need
It's getting hard for me to breathe
Let me be your guarantee..."

I just find that so very lovely... In the song, a girl says the line about "what good is tomorrow without a guarantee?".. and then he sings "let me be your guarantee", and that is just sooo sweet! He wants to be her guarantee for tomorrow.. awwwww! *sigh* Right, am gonna stop going on and on now, and just sit here and think about how sweet it is..! ;o)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why me?!

Why is it that whenever I wear a skirt to work, my stockings decide they don't want to hold anything together... so to speak. I now sit here, with a MAJOR run in my stockings. And the damned thing is very visible too.. meaning I will have to take my stockings off before I go out in public. Although I'm not too sure how smart that is, because I've not shaved my legs since Tuesday. Such a bad day! lol I should've just worn trousers when the first pair of stockings I put on this morning tore too. Okay... so I've just gone through a veeery embarrassing few seconds actually taking them off. And that without having left my desk. Now, need I remind everyone that I am a receptionist? I work at a travel agency at the moment (temping for Manpower), and I am at risk that people come in to pick up tickets, or to have meetings here. So thankfully, no one came in whilst I was trying as gracefully as I could to remove my torn stockings. And now, here I am, without stockings and praying to all that is holy to anyone that nobody notices my legs! lol Thank God I'm drinking tonight!! ;o) hehehe Ladies Night at a club I know... have heard rumours of free champagne for the girls from 10pm until midnight. Now that is a concept I like! ;o) Freebies are always cool... they are way cool if it's free drink! lol

Was chatting to my boyfriend last night, and think he's a bit concerned that I'm going out. Not because he doesn't trust me, but because of the guys out there. Think he's maybe worried that they'll start bugging me, and he won't be there to defend my honour (everybody shut up, my honour is still very much intact, thank you very much!). He was telling me he's kinda the jealous type.. like if someone's bugging me and they don't take a hint and leave, he'll come sort them out. And he was all "sorry, but that's just how I am".. I like a guy who's a little jealous. I mean, perhaps not too jealous like he sees green when a man looks at me when I walk by, but just jealous enough to come rescue me if some drunken moron is slobbering over me trying to get me to come home with him. I think a little jealousy is a good thing in a guy, especially if it's just the right amount. :o) Makes me feel protected and cared for, because I know he won't let anything happen to me. When I was in NYC, he'd always take my hand when we were out. Even when we were driving. I told him later when I got home again that I had loved that he always took my hand, and he said it was like a security. So I asked how so, and he said that it was like a protective gesture, wanting me near so he could make sure I was there and okay. How sweet is he?! :o) Just the sweetest man alive, isn't he? *siiiiigh* hihi :o)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I miss him... :o(

I'm going crazy... I miss my boyfriend! :o( Let me tell ya, distance like this sucks royal ass (<- pardon my language)! It's unfair that I can't like... go over to see him, or meet up with him after work. Today, it's four months and one week until Christmas Eve. Meaning it's about four months, one week and some days until I get to see him again. I have never looked this much forward to Christmas and New Year since I was little! :o) And if people ask me what I want for Christmas this year, I will tell them there's nothing I want. I only want him, and he's coming to see me. That's without a doubt the best Christmas present I could ever get! :o)
I miss him so much... I miss how he holds my hand, how he hugs me, how he kisses me, I miss the way he looks at me and smiles. And I just want to be there next to him when he wakes up in the morning, and when he goes to bed at night. I even want him to sneak up on me and tickle me! :o) And whenever he's sad, I want to put my arms around him and tell him everything's gonna be okay. I want what every 'normal' couple has every day. I know that will happen some day, he's working hard to make our dreams of being together come true. So I know that one day, I will be there beside him when he wakes up. I just wish we didn't have to be so far apart whilst we wait for it to happen...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Pet names

I was listening to the radio this morning, and they were talking about people's pet names, or nick names. And I came to think of what my nick names are, I quickly found I have a whole bunch! The ones created for me by my friends are mostly names of tv-characters who are known for their... well, drinking! ;o) Those names are either Patsy (from "Absolutely Fabulous"), or Karen (you know the one with the voice from "Will & Grace"). Then you have names such as Liz, Lizzy or just Blondie. Liza Minelli (don't ask me why) has been a sometimes frequent nick name, although it has sort of faded now. Those are usually what I go by with my friends. But then my boyfriend has come up with a whole bunch of names for me. Naturally, there are the ever popular baby, sweetie, honey, darling and dear. And princess, angel, beautiful, sexy and babe. But then he's also ventured into the world of "self-made" pet names, calling me such cute names like vanilla angel, Norwegian Princess, min dronning (translated into English as 'my queen'), diva (not in the bad way), very recently he called me Ms Perfect Being, and mamacita or mami has also appeared once or twice, this probably because he has a lot of Spanish-speaking colleagues. Hmmm, any more pet names I have...? *thinks* No, I think maybe that was it. In case I come up with more, fear not friends - I will let you know! ;o)

Monday, August 15, 2005

Wooo... cake! *grin*

Oh my gosh, I'm going insane..! I have this incredible urge to giggle for some reason, and since I'm at work, it's not really appropriate to burst out in giggles..! I have to like really restrain myself, and it feel like this balloon of giggles are being squeezed in my tummy every time I hold down a giggle. I don't even know why I have this giggle-urge.. maybe it's because it's sunny and warm outside. Maybe it's the fact that I just got cake (lol)! Maybe it's because I'm in love with the most wonderful guy in the world. Maybe it's just Monday-madness. Or knowing that I get off work in 1 hour and 55 minutes. Or simply a combination of it all...! :o) Perhaps also the fact that I'm ever so slightly nutty at times.. hehehe ;o) I suppose it's a mix of the combination of all and that I'm kinda strange! :o)

I. Am. Bored! There's not a lot of calls coming in, meaning I have not a lot of calls to answer. And that means I'm bored, and I'm tired of sitting in this chair until my butt falls asleep! I've been playing Free Cell on the computer for like an hour, and now that's boring again. Gaaaaah, I'm dying!! I need a hug... :o( hihi

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This is from my old blog..! :o)

I was just reading my old blog.. and I found this entry.. hehe Not that I seemed to be wanting to deal with some frustration or anything.. right? ;o) hehehe Read, laugh and enjoy!

"So far today, I've had three people unload their frustration and anger on me.. the reason; they couldn't get through to the support line. HAVE PATIENCE, IDIOTS! And stop giving me hell because I'm the one actual person you've spoken to, and not a machine! I answer calls and redirect them to the correct persons, I'm the flamin' receptionist for crying out loud! I do not deal with your anger and I will not sit here and listen to you offloading all your anger onto me. I cannot do anything, and you should redirect the anger to where it belongs! And telling me you're so big and important doesn't help your case at all, because I couldn't care less about who or what you are. You can tell me you will sue because there is not a person here that can help you - you do not have a case. There are plenty people who can help you, and maybe if you didn't take yourself so incredibly seriously, people would actually want to help you! God, how difficult can it be?! I do not particularly want to be stepped on and yelled at for things that are no one's fault but your own. There is no written - or unwritten, for that matter - law that says you are allowed to threaten and yell at the first real person who answers your call because most likely, people, it will be either the receptionist or a secretary who can't help you any further than to transfer you to someone else! So try to dig out a tiny ounce of that common decency your parents should have taught you to use when you were little, and a pinch of the politeness they should have inflicted upon you when someone is actually bothered to try and help you!! I am amazed that grown men like the ones who have threatened and yelled at me today have even made it to be 40-something's. They act like little boys, all wanting attention and all wanting it NOW. And where do they get off yelling at an innocent receptionist? I mean, I am so much more polite and have so much more decency than these men all have put together... how the hell is that possible?! I am 21, they are from 38 and up to 60. One would think that they understood the importance of politeness, that they understand the importance of being nice to people who are only trying to give them a helping hand. I have to ask - what the hell is wrong??? Would it really kill you to show some respect and gratitude? Tell me honestly now, would it really kill you? I'm just asking..." - written on June 8, 2004

Did ya like it?? :o) hehe

Me being... different.. hehe

So I bet y'all are wondering what I mean by different... like am I mute, deaf, have two heads or am I just really stupid? I meant none of those. More like how I'm different from seemingly all my friends, for instance. Or from most girls my age too, I guess. You see, I am the kinda girl that has no real need for a fabulous career. I went to college on a one-year course just to have a little education to fall back on. I really don't care if I'm a waitress or a well-to-do legal secretary. What I dream of is not to be successful in business, but to find a man who will make me a wife. And hopefully also a mother some day. Now don't run to the phone to call me, boys! I do believe I've already found that man. :o) See now what I mean by different? Yes, I thought so. And any males reading this - breathe! Not all girls are as into weddings and babies as I am. Hence the "being different" thing I've been going on here... ;o)

Right, well... I have pretty much been a sucker for weddings since I married my Barbie and Ken dolls when I was little. And whenever I hear about someone like the couple I read about today in the paper... they got married at a water fun-park, the man in clam diggers and the woman in a beach dress. Oy vey, my poor heart! I mean, cudos to them for doing something really out of the ordinary, I think that's great. But to me, that's just not a "proper" wedding. Yeah, you guessed it, I'm the traditional type. The groom-can't-see-the-bride-the-night-before-cause-it's-bad luck kinda type. The "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" kinda type. Well, you get the idea! :o) I have imagined my own wedding a gazillion and twenty-five times. It's the romantic, traditional sort of wedding. And I know what I want the tables to look like, what I want the colour scheme to be, what kind of flowers I'd like, even the favors! I have a pretty good idea about what the bridesmaids dresses will be like, how I want my hair done, what type of make-up and what sort of jewellery I want to wear. Ideally, my wedding will be in August. Preferably with good weather! But a spring wedding in May will be beautiful too... or a fall wedding, with a clear blue sky, sunshine and all the beautifully coloured leaves. I have of course, settings for the three different types of weddings. Just small things that differ the three, nothing major. I even have pictures of different wedding invitations and ideas on how to set the table! I have seen this big old-fashioned mansion where I would love to have the reception, if it looks nice inside (<- very important! hehe). And even if getting married in a church is the traditional wedding, I could live with being wed outside in a beautiful garden. That is absolutely provided the weather is nice! ;o) And if you wonder if I've thought about the honeymoon... this is for you: DUH! hihi Of course, I have. :o) I have a few destinations in mind... but that I think I shall leave up to the groom to decide. Decide between the options I give, that is. ;o)

Monday, August 08, 2005

Do you believe...?

Okay, so.. a ton of people are "arguing" over whether or not it is possible to actually meet people online and fall in love and live happily ever after. I just wanna know what is so impossible about that? I myself have gone and done just that... and it's not impossible at all! I went into a chat room, in hope that I would kill a few hours of boredom. I got talking to some people, and this guy in particular. He was from the States, nearly half a world away from little Norway. You know, if you've experienced it yourself, that sometimes you can just talk to people you meet online as if you're old friends..? Well, just like that is how I could talk to this guy. He was just so easy to talk to, and as we chatted we discovered we had quite a lot of stuff in common. When we parted that night, we had each other's emails and we chatted again the next night. Then it just kinda snowballed from there... we wrote emails, eventually also exchanged telephone numbers and ventured onto texting each other. Then actually calling... the first time he called me, I was at the mall with a mate and didn't hear it ring. So when I checked my phone, he'd left a message on my machine.. and let me tell you, he has such a gorgeous voice! Anywhoo... on New Year's Day (yes, that would be January 1st, people) he confessed to me that he loved me. Being me, I had a HUGE silly grin on my face. :o) Time passed, and both of us fell more in love.. Then summer came around, and my friend and I went to New York for our holiday where we met up with my man and his brother. I'd been pacing the hotel room that Friday night, knowing he was on his way. My heart was about to burst out my chest when there was a knock on the door, and I had to get my friend to open! hehe First I see is his brother saying a quick hello before darting into the bathroom, that makes a great first impression! lol ;o) Then I see him (Travis is his name), and he smiles at me and said "ah, there she is!" before he gives me a lovely giant bear hug. All of my nerves seemed to have vanished by the time he lets go, and I could hardly stop smiling. We went out to dinner all four of us, and had a great time. By the time we went to bed that night, it felt as if we'd been together forever. And I will never forget how amazing it felt to wake up the following morning, cradled safely in his warm embrace.
When I left four days later, I cried practically all the flight home. It was so hard leaving him at the airport, knowing I wouldn't see him until New Year's. And even if we talk to each other every day, I miss him like crazy.. and I love him like no one else. :o)

So, even if people are having a hard time believing those who find love online... I know that it is highly possible. And I guess you could call me a believer.. of some sort, anyway! ;o)


*phew* Took some time to come up with all those words in the description..! And did you see they're in alphabetical order??? :o) hehe Anywhooo... the description might have come twice here... but that wasn't really meant to happen! Been a while since I blogged on here... and if you think Absolute Blonde sounds familiar, it's because I had another blog on here by that same name. I just forgot both username and password to that account, so I had to recreate my blog! So here it is in a new and improved version... or so I'd like to think! ;o)