Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger is dead

Oh my gosh... I came into work like 20 mins ago, started up the pc, went to a news site and staring me in the face is the headline "Heath Ledger (28) found dead". Now, although I've never been a diehard fan of his, I still found myself feeling sad as I read about the young actor that was found dead in his bed by his maid yesterday afternoon (US time). I feel so bad for his little daughter, for his family and friends. He had such a talent, a long successful career ahead of him, and a beautiful little girl to watch grow up. So, it is sad that an accident (sleeping pills were found near the bed) claimed the life of this young actor, only 28 years old.

Heath Ledger (April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008)

Sleep peacefully...


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