Friday, April 06, 2007

Hello Kitty!

On Sunday we are getting our first out of two cats. She is so cute, picture to prove is added. :o)

She's 7 months old, so she's a "teenager" kitty. lol We've already named her Pebbles, quite easy to name her actually. But our second little treasure that we're waiting on we have had troubles naming! lol The past two nights, we've had a run-through of the alphabet trying to find a suitable name for her. We're getting two girls, so our original names of Pebbles and BamBam didn't quite suit them both. So we kept Pebbles, but had to think of a new and original name for our littlest one. :o)

And after a whole ton of names, we finally landed on one that we think suits her very well - Fraggle. Isn't she just the most adorable little thing you've ever seen?! :o)
More pictures will be posted when we get both little kitties home and settled! :o)


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