Friday, November 17, 2006

Bit of a moan - part 2 (this is important, people)


I wanna punch something (preferably a customer) sooo hard!! I had a shitty start to the week, and guess what...? It ends the same effin' way! There's been like 14 - 20 stupid dumbasses (aka customers) in queue on the phones since the lines opened at 9am this morning. By 9.30am, I'd been yelled at by two pissed off people. I have such a gratifying job, I just can't say enough good things about it. *sarcastic snigger* Hah! lol

I just have one plea to all of you people out there... Do not, I repeat DO NOT, call customer service just to vent on whoever answers the call. That particular person has not personally done whatever you claim has been done to you by the company they work for, and they are not responsible for things you should have remembered to do, things that you - by every and all accounts - are fully responsible for. All they can do, is try and help you sort out the mess you have made of things. Treat your CSR with respect and kindness, and they will do the same to you. If you yell and threaten them, you will get nothing but angry remarks written on your account with the company. And every CSR after that, will see what a complete and utter ass you've been, and therefore treat you like shit because you are.
Sidebar; if you threaten a CSR, you will only make that particular person angry or hurt, so please... for the love of all that is holy, aim your anger on those responsible for your fucked up, miserable little life. Yourself.
If you are pleasant on the phone with a CSR, they will write a remark that you've been an examplary customer, and they will tell all their colleagues what a nice, pleasant and easy-to-deal-with customer they just spoke to. Maybe even give you a goddamn smiley face.

Moral of the story: you are the one at fault, at all and every time. Do not blame everyone else for what you have fucked up. Never call customer service at any company unless you have something nice to say, or can manage to say it in a nice manner.


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