Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Seriously Sleepy

I am so goddamn tired today... I seriously have trouble keeping my eyes open. Which isn't good when you're at work.. and there are so many stupid customers, and I just want to get a new job..! :o) Some job that doesn't make me want to lay my head on the desk and sleep for a good hour or five. I'm having some instant coffee... and you're supposed to add like one teaspoon or maybe two if you like it a bit stronger. I have three topped ones in... and still I feel like sleeping for a week. Maybe it's this cold I have just simmering below the surface that will never really come out.. maybe I am totally holiday deprived. I've not had a day off since June..!! Do you even know how long ago that is? Hellooooo.... JUNE?! Is anybody even getting howlong ago that is?? Gah, I'm going insane! I've gone an entire summer without any like vacation... that might be why I am soo sleepy now, and in total need of a break from work. I'm virtually burnt out.. I need a reloading period longer than the weekend. The two days of weekend is just not enough to completely recharge my batteries. If anything, it just makes me more tired, because I get to rest a little.. but not nearly enough. And if I had my husband here, I would sleep better, because he'd be next to me... much nicer, too. :o)

Speaking of husband... I called the correct "legal" part of the county board that has to do with weddings here where I live, and I have no eliminated any stress factors about various papers they needed us to send in and papers my hubby-to-be needed. It was all very easy once a real live human explained it to me, so I was very relieved yesterday after that phone call. :o) So we are now aiming for a wedding in April... well, more like a get-together than wedding, really. It'll only be 6 people there; him, his parents, my parents and me. We cannot really afford anything else, and also - it gives us an opportunity to get his application for a more permanent visa quicker. We'll be having a party for our friends and such at a later time... maybe we could invite people for a party once we're both in jobs, and have a bit more money we could throw a party with. Because currently, we've less than no money to party for. And renting a place, food and drink and everything else would cost me an arm and a leg. So we'll have a party later... maybe next year. I don't know yet. Sometimes, I just feel like getting married just him and me... no one else, just the two of us. And not telling anyone about our very small, very intimate wedding day. Just him and me.. getting married.. going out for a lovely romantic dinner.. maybe staying in a nice hotel for the night, just to complete the day. Just the two of us...


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