Tuesday, August 15, 2006

All The Way

When somebody loves you
It's no good unless he loves you all the way
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you, all the way

“He just wasn’t right for you, Lara… that’s all.” Marilyn said, leaning across the table taking her best friend’s hand. The brunette shook her head. “He was good to me.” she said. Marilyn gently shook her head of blonde curls. “If he slept with that other girl, is that really being good to you, sweetheart?” she asked, looking at her. Lara sighed. “No… but I loved him. I need to know some of what he did wasn’t wrong, Marilyn.” Marilyn hugged her friend. “The only thing he truly did wrong was doing you wrong.” she said, and Lara nodded slowly. “If he really did love you, would he have gone behind your back with that other girl? Would he really have tried to make it your fault like he did?” she said. “Lara, blaming you for his infidelities makes him bad. Saying you work too much is a reason, isn’t good enough. You supported that man. If he loved you, he would have held through your long hours and greeted you with understanding when you came home.” Marilyn said. Lara looked up at her. “Why can’t I have what you and Joe have?” she asked, and Marilyn smiled. “You can. With the right man.”

Taller than the tallest tree is
That's how it's got to feel

Deeper than the deep blue sea is
That's how deep it goes, if its real

Matt looked at his friend, shaking his head. “How do you and Marilyn make it work so well? What the hell is your secret?” he asked, and Joe laughed. “It’s real.” Joe said, and Matt grinned. “Just like that?” he said smiling. “Just like that.” Joe repeated. “How do you know, though? Jenny wasn’t right, it appears.” Matt said, sipping on his coffee. “How did you know Marilyn was the one?” he asked. Joe smiled a little. “It’s just something you know. It’s in the details. Like when she walked for an hour in the pouring rain just to bring me hot chicken soup when I had a cold… or when she got up before me on Valentine’s to bring me hot chocolate and breakfast in bed. I’ll never forget that.” Joe said. “No one has ever done things like that for me before. She treats me like I’m the last man on earth… like I’m number one, a king. I’ve never had that before. That’s how I knew… she just does these little things that have so much meaning, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world” he said, and Matt smiled. “So that’s what I need… someone to treat me good, and walk in the rain to nurse me when I’m sick.” he said grinning, and they both laughed.

When somebody needs you
It's no good unless he needs you, all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in-between-years, come what may

Lara looked over at her friend. “Does it feel good to know he needs you, Marilyn?” she asked, making her look up at her. Marilyn smiled, nodding her head. “Definitely. But needing him feels great, too. Because he’s always there.” she said, and Lara nodded. “He didn’t need me in the end… that’s what broke us.” she said, staring into her cup of coffee. “It’s important to need each other. If you don’t, then it’s just no good.” Marilyn looked at her, throwing her tea bag in the bin. “If Joe never needed me for anything, or I never needed him… where would we be now? We certainly wouldn’t be married.” she said smiling, and Lara laughed. “That’s true.” she agreed. Marilyn sat down in the sofa, cradling her mug of tea. “It’s not just the big things… it’s the little things, too. For better or worse, you know.” she said.

Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you, all the way
All the way

“You know, you and her should go on tour. Or write a couple’s self-help book. You’re so right together, it’s sickening.” Matt said smiling, making Joe laugh. “Oh, thanks, man.” he said laughing. “You got it all; a beautiful wife, a great relationship, wonderful marriage… don’t you guys ever fight?” Matt looked at his friend. Joe nodded. “Sure, we do.” “Seriously?” Matt asked, genuinely surprised. “Yeah, we fight. We argue over everyday things that everybody else argues over. Who’s turn it is to clean up, not taking the clothes out the washing machine, why is she so calm when I’m pissed off at something, why don’t I ever put her CD’s back in order… nobody’s perfect, Matt.” Joe smiled, shrugging. “I can’t possibly picture you two fighting.” Matt said, and Joe grinned. “Oh, we do. But we also have the ability to find a way to settle things we can both live with. She’ll get more into things I’m passionate about; if I can put her CD’s back the right way. Or we do the dishes together if we can’t find any other way. All about compromise… and the fact that I would do anything for her.” Joe said, and Matt smiled. “You big softie, you.” he laughed. “I love her deeply. All the way.” Joe said, and Matt smiled and nodded. “As does she.” he said.

Taller than the tallest tree is
That's how it's got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue sea is
That's how deep it goes, if its real

“And what’s more… you have to love. All the way. Through fighting and laughter, you have to have love.” Marilyn said. Lara smiled at her. “You’re telling me that even when you and Joe fight, you love him?” she asked, and Marilyn nodded. “More than anything.” she said. “I guess that’s how it is if you got a real love… you look at the person when you’re fighting, and you still think ‘god, do I ever love you’… gotta be nice.” Lara said. Marilyn rested a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Don’t worry… you’ll have it like that, too.” she assured her. “You’re a good friend, Marilyn. No wonder you’re such a great wife to him.” Lara said as she stood up. “I’d best get going.” she said, and Marilyn got up with her. “Call if you need anything.” she said, hugging her before she walked out.
Joe and Matt walked out the coffee shop, into the cold autumn afternoon. “Hurry home to your wife.” Matt said, giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder. “You never know, you might run into someone good around the corner.” Joe said, and Matt laughed. “You never know.” he said. “Talk later!” he said, waving as he set off down the street. “Yeah, give me a call!” Joe said and smiled before he turned, walking toward home.

And when somebody needs you
It's no good unless he needs you, all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all those in-between-years, come what may

Marilyn sat in the sofa, still cradling the mug of tea in her hands when the door went. “Hey, babe!” Joe called, and she smiled. “Hi, hon, I’m in here.” she said, smiling wider when he appeared around the corner. Joe smiled at her. “I just made you a coffee.” she said, holding a mug out to him. He sat down beside her, took the mug and kissed her. “Thank you, you’re amazing. I love you.” he said, and she smiled. “You’re welcome, I love you, too.” she said, cuddling closer to him. “What did you do today?” he asked. Marilyn sipped her tea. “Lara was here… Rick dumped her, because he thinks she’s to blame for him going around sleeping with other women behind her back.” she said. “Oh, nice of him. How was she?” Joe asked, putting his arm around her. “Heartbroken… asked me why she couldn’t find someone like you.” she said smiling, and he grinned. “Funny, Matt and I were discussing the same.” he said, and she sat up. “Really?” she said. He nodded. “Yeah… he was asking how I knew you were right, how I knew you were the one.” Marilyn smiled. “And how we could have such a great relationship.” he added. She tilted her head a little, and smiled. “And what did you say?” she asked, and he looked at her. “I told him it’s because it’s real. We love each other regardless… all the way. For better or worse.” Joe said, and Marilyn laughed and slapped his arm. “Get out…!” she said grinning. “That’s pretty much what I was telling Lara!” she said, and he laughed. “I guess I should have said it’s because we’re one soul in two bodies, as well.” he said, trailing his fingers through her blonde curls. Marilyn smiled. “I guess so.”

Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you, all the way
All the way

© “All The Way” – Frank Sinatra & Celine Dion

© Lady L., 2006


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