Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Visas and permits = stress

As my readers (all two of ye! lol) would know, I'm getting married next year.. no date is yet set, so I am still not sure whether to panic or to breathe easy. I do know that I need to stress a little, especially since my country has a completely stupid policy on "international" marriages. It seems no matter what we chose to do, my fiancé have to apply for a visa to stay here. It takes about 6 - 7 months just to get an answer on your application, but once you get it you can stay here for 6 months. You are only eligible for a purely residential visa, and once we are married he will again have to apply for a work permit. Thankfully, he is allowed to stay in the country whilst his application is being processed. In addition to all this, I think - I'm not sure - we need some sort of paper to prove that he is allowed to stay here when we get married, but I'm hoping that's just a copy of his approved visa. And there is no end to the trail of paper work, because we also naturally need a marriagelicensee, I need a form to fill out to have my last name changed. I'm not entirely sure if I need that before or after we get married though. Then you have to send a copy of your marriage certificate and that name-change form to a whole bunch of places that will require my new last name, such as my bank in order to give me new cards, I need a new passport with my new last name, my insurance company will need it too, naturally my job needs to be notified, and then you have stuff like my doctor, dentist, my network company for my mobile, my electricity company, my internet provider (once I get internet access) and my 'landlord'. Well, those things go by quickly... it's more the visa thingie I'm stressing about now. I want him to come here as soon as he can, and I worry about the visa thingie mostly because I don't know how to go about it. I'm not sure which questions to ask, so I can't call and pick their brains about it either. Apparently, he can't just come over here and we'll get married and that's it... they'll probably mark us as a "pro forma" marriage if we do, which means they believe we only got married so that he could stay in the country. I would rather not have that happen, so having the paperwork in order is a good thing. Only it is sooo much paperwork... and only a few things of it that I understand! I am not liking it... I'm good when I understand it, so I know how to handle it. I'm gonna write them an email... or a letter, maybe..? I'll be keeping y'all updated! lol


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