Thursday, October 05, 2006

Songs in my head

I'm driving myself insane... I have this song stuck in my head, and no matter what other song I might sing.. it keeps coming back! It's a Norwegian version of the song "Tomorrow" from the musical "Annie", and they feature it in a commercial on telly for a mobile network. It's like a whole little musical that commercial, and the silly song is just superglued to my brain! Damn typical... I feel like just bursting out in song, like what is appropriate in musicals.
Nice... now I have a couple more songs in my head. Namely the ones I thought of when I was trying to get rid of "Tomorrow".. the song, not the actual tomorrow. Right, a nice little selection in my head right now; Scissor Sisters, that stupid commercial song, Westlife, one from Phantom of the Opera.. those of you who have seen it, might understand why this song is in my head when you look at the title for this little complaint! lol
Perfect... I am a walking, talking jukebox! I'm a total song-whore.. just can't turn 'em down! hehe I know, gross expression but I made it up myself. Which really says something about me as a person, but let's just now move swiftly away from just that particular train of thought. ;o) Bottom line here is; I'M DRIVING MYSELF CRAZY..!! Oh great.... thank you, now I can add Britney to my music collection for the day. *sobs*


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