Monday, November 13, 2006

Bit of a moan


Okay, got that out my system... lol I am not having the best start to the week. I have a killer headache because of all the fuckwit customers who call in to bitch and moan. I am so effin' sick of it! *anger boiling* Right... calming down now. ;o)
As if that's not enough, I am currently having massive internal hysterical sobfests. I love my apartment, but I hate being there alone all day and night. I am in serious withdrawl when it comes to my hubby-to-be... last night, I had one of my internal hysterics, and the second he wrote me "Hi baby!" on MSN, I broke out in tears. Yeah, I got it together. NOT! :o) And the poor thing... I think I might've made him feel guilty about him being where he is, which he really shouldn't because he works so hard to leave. I don't think he knows how very proud I am of him for what he does, in order for the two of us to be together. He works so hard to save money, and he is leaving all that he knows behind for a country way up near the North Pole on the globe. He is completely uprooting himself, leaving behind his family and his friends, his job and all the security he has there. To come here; where he won't have a job to go to right away, where he doesn't completely speak the language, where he is totally exposed to everything without any form of the security he had back where he came from. My husband is a brave man for doing something like this, and no one could be more proud of him than what I am.


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