Thursday, January 04, 2007

I've had enough!

I have had it!! I swear to God, I'm going insane! There are so many IDIOTS calling me today, I'm about to lose it entirely. Like this one guy I just talked to... oh my gosh, what a freakin' moron!

Him: I just want the one free magazine, and then it will stop.
Me: Yes, that's what the ad says, so that's what you'll get: just the one free magazine. Should you want to continue with a subscription, you can contact us.
Him: But, I won't pay anything for the magazine unless I want to start a subscription?
Me: That's right.
Him: There will be a phone number to customer service on the invoice?
Me: Yes, our contact information is printed on the invoices.
Him: But I'm getting it for free, why do I get an invoice?
Me (now more agitated): Because the invoice is the name-carrier of the magazine. It will be one with the magazine, even if you won't have to pay for it at all. It will just say "zero" on the invoice.
Him: But I'm not supposed to pay for it.
Me (getting pissed off): Yes, I know that...! But the invoice is the name-carrier. Without it, the magazine won't be sent to you.
Him: So, I get the one for free?
Me: Yes, correct.
Him: And if I want to continue, I contact you?
Me: Yes.
Him: But we're clear on the fact that it'll be just the one free magazine first?
Me (snarling by this point): Yes, that is correct. *hitting mute, I now curse him left right and centre*
Him: So it will just be the one free, and if I want to continue I contact you.
Me: Yes, you got it. It's all clear on that now, thank you.
Him: All right, I don't trust these kinds of offers...
Me: *with mic on mute* Fucking moron!! Don't sign up for them, fucking dumbass!! *mute off* Everything's all right here now, sir.
Him: Okay, thanks.
Me (now fuming, barely able to sound pleasant with a dangerous venom dripping from my words): Bye bye, sir.

Can you be more stupid?!?!? I mean, hello?! If it says it's free with no strings attached, then that's what you'll get. And if you're concerned and ask when ordering, and you get the same reply as the ad says, then it's just the one goddamn free magazine! Aaargh!!

I've now printed six new want-ads that I'm going to send my application in to. I hope I get called in for some interviews, and hopefully that someone is willing to consider hiring me. Then maybe you will find some more pleasant posts about work from me. ;o)


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