Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Love

My love, we have seen it all
The endless confessions, the rise and fall
As fragile as a child
Lately I'm sorry I can't hold a smile

Francesca’s voice sounded softly from the speakers all around the living room, and shivers shot through him as he listened to her words. The room was dark, only a couple of candles light the night. Tears rose high in his eyes as he listened to her words, singing to him softly from someplace he wouldn’t see for many years more.

But I stand tall to get by
No matter how hard I try to hide
Did you know I take the time for you?
Did you know that I would see you through?
Did you know that I would play the part?
I must've made it clear right from the start

She was strong, and refused to let anything slow her down. That was just her way, and it was what he had loved about her. The glow in her that made her reach the goals she set for her life, and yet she would always find time for them to be together. Even if her days were busy and it seemed like there was a million things happening all at once, he never once felt as if he came second. Somehow, Francesca would make him feel as if she did nothing but be with him. Always there beside him, whenever he needed her, she would leave everything behind for as long as he asked her. Just as she had promised him from the start.

My love, can you give me strength?
Somehow I forgot how to ease my pain
I know I'm right where I belong
Something from nothing never proved me wrong

Robert knew he had done everything in his power for her, and in his heart, he knew that Francesca knew that too. If he ever saw her fighting to remain in control, he gladly gave her of his strength and let her rest for a while, promising to take away the bad things by the time she woke up. And when her eyes opened and she smiled at him, she needed no words to tell him that she was grateful. Right now, Robert needed her words to soothe him as he listened to her beautiful voice asking for his strength.

But I stand tall to get by
No matter how hard I try to hide
Did you know I take the time for you?
Did you know that I would see you through?
Did you know that I would play the part?
I must've made it clear right from the start

Francesca had been over the moon about moving to New York, and she had loved it. It seemed as if the city agreed with her, and everywhere she went, she made new friends. Manhattan had never seemed brighter than when Francesca walked down the streets, smiling and waving at all those people she knew. It didn’t matter to her where you came from, as long as you were a good person. Everyone who crossed her path had felt the goodness she possessed, and Robert had felt it more than anyone. When he needed her for boring business dinners and cocktail parties she always played the part required of her, be it as hospitable hostess or gracious guest. And to her, it was the least she could do for the man she loved so much.

I would share my whole life with you
Would you do the same for me?
I would give all I am to you
Would you do the same for me?

Just as she had shared her life with him, he had given all of him to her. Nothing between them had ever been kept in the shadows; Francesca believed that everything should be brought into the light, and it had made their bond even closer. He didn’t make any motion to dry his tears, hearing her voice near whispering the words he knew she’d meant as a request for him to continue on; always keeping her in his heart, and sharing the rest of his life with her.

And I will stand tall to get by
No matter how hard I try to hide
Could you see I've been brave?
Did you notice all my mistakes?
There were times I could feel you read my mind

His sob broke the silence of the apartment, and he cried out for her. He knew no answer would come, but he couldn’t help himself. Francesca had stood tall until the end, until her body gave up and couldn’t continue on. Those around her had not known how sick she was, but Robert had been there when her face cracked up with the pain that shot through her body. He had watched her throughout it all, and he had seen how brave she’d been. He had helped her as much as he could, and Francesca had felt how he seemed to read her mind.

When the cancer finally claimed her life, Robert had followed her final wishes. To send her off with a happy ending; where all those she knew and loved came together to remember all the good and happy times. She didn’t want those she was forced to leave to gather in sadness and anger, and he had done as she asked. Robert had been strong that entire day but now, hearing her song, he unravelled and let his grief tumble out of him. It felt as if his heart broke more and more with each beat, and he promised her that he would see her wishes through. He would go on, sharing every day with her in his heart, seeing life through as if she was right there by his side, just as they had set out to do together.

Did you know I take the time for you?
Did you know that I would see you through?
Did you know that I would play the part?
I know I made it clear right from the start

“My Love” - Celine Dion ©

© Lady L., 2008


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