Thursday, November 15, 2007

A new story!

It's been much too long since I posted a new story here, so I thought I'd post one right now! I have a lot of time on my hands (at work), so I wrote this little song fic. Enjoy it!

Catch My Breath

We were still in high school when I first met you
Even then you were the prettiest girl that I ever knew
And we carved our name on everything that we could find
The way that all kids do
And although time has passed I still get surprised at the pulling in my chest
When I know you’re coming by
If this feeling’s proving anything it’s not everything is gonna change with time
You’re still mine

Mark’s breath caught in his throat when the cute redhead that had just walked into the café smiled shyly his way. He hadn’t seen her around before, and despite feeling colour flood his cheeks, he couldn’t look away.
“Yo, Mark?” Kian said, snapping his fingers in front of his face. He snapped back to the present, and turned to his friends. Kian and Shane laughed.
“Oops, I think Mark’s in love.” Kian grinned. “Who is it?” he asked, looking around the café. Mark turned and his eyes landed on the cute girl with the gorgeous red hair.
“Her.” he said, nodding toward where she sat at a table. She sat reading a book, and didn’t see the three lads gawking at her. “I haven’t seen her before.” Mark said.
“I think she just moved here or something. Looks like she goes to Mercy.” Shane said, looking her uniform over. “Go talk to her before Kian does.” he said, and Kian stuck his tongue out at him.
“Too late.” he said as he got up, and confidently walked over to where she sat. Mark felt his heart sink, and he kicked himself for not going over. The girl and Kian talked, and he pointed over to their table and she followed his finger. She blushed meeting Mark’s eyes, and she pushed her glasses back up on her nose. Kian took her backpack, and led her over to their table. He grinned at Mark as he sat down.
“This is Shane and Mark.” he said to her, pointing at them in turn. “Lads, this is Orlah. She’s 15, and new in town.” Kian said, and she smiled. “Just grab a chair.”
“Hello. Nice to meet you both.” she said, her voice so soft and sweet. Mark’s entire body felt numb when she looked at him and smiled, quickly looking down as she blushed.
It took Shane and Kian under an hour to set the two up on a date, and from that day on; there was rarely a sighting of either Orlah or Mark without the other one.

Did you know when you’re around
My heart won’t it can’t slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard
To catch my breath, to catch my breath

Mark’s breath caught in his throat when the beautiful redhead walked toward him, and just as his heart had stopped at the sight of her that day eight years ago when they’d first met, it stopped now as she made her way down the aisle toward him. She looked stunning in her wedding dress, and tears rose in his eyes as he stood there watching her. In his chest, his heart beat so hard he imagined the sound of its beats were audible. He drew a shaky breath just as she reached him, and when he looked into her eyes, he could hardly believe she was real. Eight years together told him differently, and when she smiled at him the specs of gold in her green eyes sparkled.

Don’t ever ask me if I’m sorry that I’m here with you
Baby you can bet I don’t regret the girls I never knew
Every day’s another first another chance for me to fall in love with you
And I do…

Orlah stood in the corner of the room as she watched the lads get swarmed by screaming fans. She smiled, seeing the lads happily signing every item put under their noses, smiling for photos and handing out hugs to each fan. Mark smiled and winked at her, and she sighed happily. When she’d asked him that morning if he was sorry that he had never dated anyone but her, and if he missed that opportunity, he had laughed and wrapped her up in his arms.
“Orlah, how can I be sorry that I’m with you? You’re all I need, and every single day I fall in love with you. Don’t ever worry that I long for others.” he told her, and she blushed, feeling silly for having asked. Mark held her tight as he kissed her, and Orlah sighed, feeling her knees turn into jelly when he kissed her.

Did you know when you’re around
My heart won’t it can’t slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard
To catch my breath, to catch my breath

When she came closer to him and saw the tears in his eyes, she was certain that if she opened her mouth right then, she wouldn’t be able to speak at all. She bit her lip to keep from crying as a tear rolled down her face. Mark’s hands took hold of hers, and her heart was beating so hard in her chest she could barely catch her breath.
Oh… When you’re with me I stop seeingAny way to fail how do I explainI try to tell you what I’m feelingBut how do I when all words pale
“I tried my best to make you a speech, but I found no words that would describe how I feel.” Mark said as he looked at her, and smiled. “So, I enlisted some help from a few members of this chart-topping band I know to help me.” he said as he walked over to a little makeshift stage where Kian, Shane and Nicky stood grinning. Music started playing, and Orlah smiled as Shane bean singing.

Did you know when you’re around
My heart won’t it can’t slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard
To catch my breath, to catch my breath

Tears welled up in her eyes and made their way down her face as she listened to the song, and shivers rushed through her. When Mark looked at her and sang, goosebumps broke out all over her skin, and she held a hand over her mouth to keep from sobbing.

Did you know when you’re around
My heart won’t it can’t slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard
To catch my breath, to catch my breath

Mark couldn’t take his eyes from her as he sang, and although tears tumbled down her face, he could see the smile in her eyes and how she seemed to radiate happiness. He stepped down from the little stage, and walked over to her. She slipped her hand in his, and let him pull her from her seat. He dried her tears away, and she laughed a little. Her laughter made his heart skip beats as it thundered in his chest. He pulled her to him and kissed her tenderly. She gave him a look so full of love, his breath caught in his throat.
“I love you.” she whispered breathlessly, and Mark smiled at her.
“I love you, too.” he whispered back as the lads sang the last few lines.
To catch my breath, to catch my breath
To catch my breath, to catch my breath…

© “Catch My Breath” – Westlife

© Lady L., 2007


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