Thursday, December 20, 2007

Nicely done!

This is just perfect. A lady comes into my little office not 15 minutes ago, says she's new with the OA (Office Administration), and that I'm moving today. I just look at her like, "huh?". And she goes, "oh, I was under the impression that those who were moving had been told." I GUESS NOT, LADY! I was just like, okay, so where am I moving to? Apparently, I'm being moving two floors down, and into another little office. I mean, that's fine by me, but what about a little information? Another reason why I would prefer to work somewhere else, then preferably in a reception where I can't really avoid being seen. I mean, it would be nice to make sure that you inform everyone that's supposed to move offices, that they are MOVING OFFICES!! This is a big company, so you would think that they knew how to give out information and treat their employees with a little class. But they keep 'forgetting' to tell me things, and to be quite honest... it's getting old. I understand that because of my position within the company, I'm not out and about, interacting with the other employees (not that I'd really want to anyway), but Jesus people! - if you're moving your goddamn switchboard (your first "point of entry" for callers), TELL THE FLIPPIN' OPERATOR, YOU F***KING EEJITS!!


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