Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why me?!

Why is it that whenever I wear a skirt to work, my stockings decide they don't want to hold anything together... so to speak. I now sit here, with a MAJOR run in my stockings. And the damned thing is very visible too.. meaning I will have to take my stockings off before I go out in public. Although I'm not too sure how smart that is, because I've not shaved my legs since Tuesday. Such a bad day! lol I should've just worn trousers when the first pair of stockings I put on this morning tore too. Okay... so I've just gone through a veeery embarrassing few seconds actually taking them off. And that without having left my desk. Now, need I remind everyone that I am a receptionist? I work at a travel agency at the moment (temping for Manpower), and I am at risk that people come in to pick up tickets, or to have meetings here. So thankfully, no one came in whilst I was trying as gracefully as I could to remove my torn stockings. And now, here I am, without stockings and praying to all that is holy to anyone that nobody notices my legs! lol Thank God I'm drinking tonight!! ;o) hehehe Ladies Night at a club I know... have heard rumours of free champagne for the girls from 10pm until midnight. Now that is a concept I like! ;o) Freebies are always cool... they are way cool if it's free drink! lol

Was chatting to my boyfriend last night, and think he's a bit concerned that I'm going out. Not because he doesn't trust me, but because of the guys out there. Think he's maybe worried that they'll start bugging me, and he won't be there to defend my honour (everybody shut up, my honour is still very much intact, thank you very much!). He was telling me he's kinda the jealous type.. like if someone's bugging me and they don't take a hint and leave, he'll come sort them out. And he was all "sorry, but that's just how I am".. I like a guy who's a little jealous. I mean, perhaps not too jealous like he sees green when a man looks at me when I walk by, but just jealous enough to come rescue me if some drunken moron is slobbering over me trying to get me to come home with him. I think a little jealousy is a good thing in a guy, especially if it's just the right amount. :o) Makes me feel protected and cared for, because I know he won't let anything happen to me. When I was in NYC, he'd always take my hand when we were out. Even when we were driving. I told him later when I got home again that I had loved that he always took my hand, and he said it was like a security. So I asked how so, and he said that it was like a protective gesture, wanting me near so he could make sure I was there and okay. How sweet is he?! :o) Just the sweetest man alive, isn't he? *siiiiigh* hihi :o)


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