Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This is from my old blog..! :o)

I was just reading my old blog.. and I found this entry.. hehe Not that I seemed to be wanting to deal with some frustration or anything.. right? ;o) hehehe Read, laugh and enjoy!

"So far today, I've had three people unload their frustration and anger on me.. the reason; they couldn't get through to the support line. HAVE PATIENCE, IDIOTS! And stop giving me hell because I'm the one actual person you've spoken to, and not a machine! I answer calls and redirect them to the correct persons, I'm the flamin' receptionist for crying out loud! I do not deal with your anger and I will not sit here and listen to you offloading all your anger onto me. I cannot do anything, and you should redirect the anger to where it belongs! And telling me you're so big and important doesn't help your case at all, because I couldn't care less about who or what you are. You can tell me you will sue because there is not a person here that can help you - you do not have a case. There are plenty people who can help you, and maybe if you didn't take yourself so incredibly seriously, people would actually want to help you! God, how difficult can it be?! I do not particularly want to be stepped on and yelled at for things that are no one's fault but your own. There is no written - or unwritten, for that matter - law that says you are allowed to threaten and yell at the first real person who answers your call because most likely, people, it will be either the receptionist or a secretary who can't help you any further than to transfer you to someone else! So try to dig out a tiny ounce of that common decency your parents should have taught you to use when you were little, and a pinch of the politeness they should have inflicted upon you when someone is actually bothered to try and help you!! I am amazed that grown men like the ones who have threatened and yelled at me today have even made it to be 40-something's. They act like little boys, all wanting attention and all wanting it NOW. And where do they get off yelling at an innocent receptionist? I mean, I am so much more polite and have so much more decency than these men all have put together... how the hell is that possible?! I am 21, they are from 38 and up to 60. One would think that they understood the importance of politeness, that they understand the importance of being nice to people who are only trying to give them a helping hand. I have to ask - what the hell is wrong??? Would it really kill you to show some respect and gratitude? Tell me honestly now, would it really kill you? I'm just asking..." - written on June 8, 2004

Did ya like it?? :o) hehe


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