Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Me being... different.. hehe

So I bet y'all are wondering what I mean by different... like am I mute, deaf, have two heads or am I just really stupid? I meant none of those. More like how I'm different from seemingly all my friends, for instance. Or from most girls my age too, I guess. You see, I am the kinda girl that has no real need for a fabulous career. I went to college on a one-year course just to have a little education to fall back on. I really don't care if I'm a waitress or a well-to-do legal secretary. What I dream of is not to be successful in business, but to find a man who will make me a wife. And hopefully also a mother some day. Now don't run to the phone to call me, boys! I do believe I've already found that man. :o) See now what I mean by different? Yes, I thought so. And any males reading this - breathe! Not all girls are as into weddings and babies as I am. Hence the "being different" thing I've been going on here... ;o)

Right, well... I have pretty much been a sucker for weddings since I married my Barbie and Ken dolls when I was little. And whenever I hear about someone like the couple I read about today in the paper... they got married at a water fun-park, the man in clam diggers and the woman in a beach dress. Oy vey, my poor heart! I mean, cudos to them for doing something really out of the ordinary, I think that's great. But to me, that's just not a "proper" wedding. Yeah, you guessed it, I'm the traditional type. The groom-can't-see-the-bride-the-night-before-cause-it's-bad luck kinda type. The "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" kinda type. Well, you get the idea! :o) I have imagined my own wedding a gazillion and twenty-five times. It's the romantic, traditional sort of wedding. And I know what I want the tables to look like, what I want the colour scheme to be, what kind of flowers I'd like, even the favors! I have a pretty good idea about what the bridesmaids dresses will be like, how I want my hair done, what type of make-up and what sort of jewellery I want to wear. Ideally, my wedding will be in August. Preferably with good weather! But a spring wedding in May will be beautiful too... or a fall wedding, with a clear blue sky, sunshine and all the beautifully coloured leaves. I have of course, settings for the three different types of weddings. Just small things that differ the three, nothing major. I even have pictures of different wedding invitations and ideas on how to set the table! I have seen this big old-fashioned mansion where I would love to have the reception, if it looks nice inside (<- very important! hehe). And even if getting married in a church is the traditional wedding, I could live with being wed outside in a beautiful garden. That is absolutely provided the weather is nice! ;o) And if you wonder if I've thought about the honeymoon... this is for you: DUH! hihi Of course, I have. :o) I have a few destinations in mind... but that I think I shall leave up to the groom to decide. Decide between the options I give, that is. ;o)


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