Monday, August 08, 2005

Do you believe...?

Okay, so.. a ton of people are "arguing" over whether or not it is possible to actually meet people online and fall in love and live happily ever after. I just wanna know what is so impossible about that? I myself have gone and done just that... and it's not impossible at all! I went into a chat room, in hope that I would kill a few hours of boredom. I got talking to some people, and this guy in particular. He was from the States, nearly half a world away from little Norway. You know, if you've experienced it yourself, that sometimes you can just talk to people you meet online as if you're old friends..? Well, just like that is how I could talk to this guy. He was just so easy to talk to, and as we chatted we discovered we had quite a lot of stuff in common. When we parted that night, we had each other's emails and we chatted again the next night. Then it just kinda snowballed from there... we wrote emails, eventually also exchanged telephone numbers and ventured onto texting each other. Then actually calling... the first time he called me, I was at the mall with a mate and didn't hear it ring. So when I checked my phone, he'd left a message on my machine.. and let me tell you, he has such a gorgeous voice! Anywhoo... on New Year's Day (yes, that would be January 1st, people) he confessed to me that he loved me. Being me, I had a HUGE silly grin on my face. :o) Time passed, and both of us fell more in love.. Then summer came around, and my friend and I went to New York for our holiday where we met up with my man and his brother. I'd been pacing the hotel room that Friday night, knowing he was on his way. My heart was about to burst out my chest when there was a knock on the door, and I had to get my friend to open! hehe First I see is his brother saying a quick hello before darting into the bathroom, that makes a great first impression! lol ;o) Then I see him (Travis is his name), and he smiles at me and said "ah, there she is!" before he gives me a lovely giant bear hug. All of my nerves seemed to have vanished by the time he lets go, and I could hardly stop smiling. We went out to dinner all four of us, and had a great time. By the time we went to bed that night, it felt as if we'd been together forever. And I will never forget how amazing it felt to wake up the following morning, cradled safely in his warm embrace.
When I left four days later, I cried practically all the flight home. It was so hard leaving him at the airport, knowing I wouldn't see him until New Year's. And even if we talk to each other every day, I miss him like crazy.. and I love him like no one else. :o)

So, even if people are having a hard time believing those who find love online... I know that it is highly possible. And I guess you could call me a believer.. of some sort, anyway! ;o)


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