Thursday, August 25, 2005

You and I - part 2

He watches her sleeping with a smile on his face. Something in her dreams makes her smile, and he laughs quietly as he strokes her hair. She has a look of innocence on her face, reminding him of a child when she sleeps peacefully. Her blonde hair spills out over the pillow, and his fingers seem drawn to it as if by some powerful magnetic force. It feels soft to his touch as he lets his fingers drown in it. He imagines her eyes again, the way they had seemed to sparkle up at him when they had made love just hours before.
"My perfect little angel..." he whispers, and leans down to kiss her forehead. She stirs and sighs, her eyes slowly opening. "I didn't mean to wake you." he says softly, his hand still stoking her hair. She stretches and smiles.
"It's okay." she says, reaching out to stroke his cheek. "Why are you still awake?" she asks as she pushes herself up. He looks at her for a moment, just admiring her.
"I don't know... I just didn't fall asleep, so I lay watching over you." he answers, and she blushes. He leans close to her and slides his hand around to the back of her neck. Gently pulling her close, his lips touch hers in a loving kiss. She smiles fondly at him, curling up beside him and resting her head on his chest. His heart beats strongly in his chest, and she giggles softly. He smiles, letting his fingers be lost in her hair once again. Soon enough, she sleeps soundly and his eyelids feel heavy. He brings her closer, needing her near him in order to fall asleep. When he was away, he didn't sleep well without her near him. He tossed and turned throughout the night, waking with only a few hours sleep every morning. He had grown accustomed to the warmth from her body lying next to his own, and when she was not there sleep seemed not to come to him. Her breath is warm against his skin, and he kisses her hair as he wraps his arms around her and finally falls asleep.

He knows something is missing before he even wakes up from his dream. She is not beside him, and the flat is quiet. He sits up and listens intently. From somewhere he hears her gentle humming, and the vague sound immediately calms him. The humming comes closer, and she walks into the bedroom carrying a trey.
"Oh, honey... you're awake." she says smiling, setting the trey down on the chair. She sits beside him on the side of the bed and kisses him softly. "I meant to surprise you." she says, running her fingers through his dark hair.
"I missed you." he says and pouts, yet his eyes reveal his smile. She tilts her head and smiles at him as she kisses him again. He smiles at her, kissing her hands in turn.
"I missed you, too." she says softly and winks at him. He laughs, playfully biting her finger.
"Are you still sure you will marry me?" he asks, looking in her eyes. She rests her hands on his cheeks, shakes her head a little and laughs.
"You've asked me that every morning since the day you proposed." she says with a smile on her face, gently kissing his nose. "And every morning I have said yes. Why do you keep asking? Don't you know already that I want to be your wife?" she says, tilting her head as she looks at him. He smiles, almost shyly.
"You tell me so, and you show me so. But I only ask for my own sake, to make sure that I'm not dreaming all of this." he says, feeling foolish when he blushes at what he says. The look on her face already reveals how she feels.
"Awww, darling..." she sighs, bringing him into her arms. She hugs him tightly for a long while, and when he looks at her again tears are trickling down her face, but she smiles. "Then you can ask all you want, honey." she says softly. He hugs her again, thanking everything holy for sending her to him. They kiss, smiling at one another as they rest their foreheads against each other's. He kisses her again, a long lingering kiss before he slowly pulls away.
"I love you so..." he whispers, and she smiles.
"I love you, too..." she whispers back. "Breakfast?" she asks, and he laughs.
"Sounds perfect, sweetheart." he says, moving to create space for her next to him.


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