Thursday, August 25, 2005

You and I - part 1

[title still unclear, suggestions welcome! :o) ]

It is a clear day, the sun is shining from a high blue sky without a cloud in sight. But the air is still cold, and she has to wrap up in warm clothes for a walk outside. The leaves are all turning yellow, orange and red and flutter gently to the ground. The street is lined with trees on either side, and they are full of beautifully coloured leaves. She looks up to the blue heavens as she walks, drawing in the crisp air. The ground is already littered with leaves, and they crunch quietly under her black boots. A smile kisses her lips, and she does a twirl for no reason at all. Her own silly behaviour causes her to laugh softly at herself, and she shakes her head. Blonde locks crash softly against her jaw when she does, and she lifts her glove-clad hands to straighten her light green hat. The autumn sunshine causes the sequins embroided onto the hat to glitter lazily for a moment. She stands still for a moment, letting the early Sunday morning silence fill her. There is no one out yet, she is the only one on the street. The only one in the city, it seems. A clock somewhere rings to tell her it's turned half eight, and she checks her own watch just to be sure. He'll be there soon. She pulls her jacket straight and starts walking again. Her green tweed skirt dances around her knees, her boots making vague clicking sounds each time they hit the pavement. She smiles as she walks, tossing one end of her scarf over her shoulder. It is light green like her hat, with shimmering sequins on each end that play with the rays of sunshine they catch. Nearing the train station, she checks her watch again. Fifteen minutes has passed, and her heart skips a beat. His train was due in at 08:45, just one minute ago. She has only one more corner to turn, then she'll soon be in his arms again. Without her mind really being aware of her hands' actions, her fingers run over the little bump the ring on her left finger causes through her gloves. Her smile grows as she turns the corner, and stops in her tracks. He turns when he hears footsteps, smiling at her when she turns the corner. The cool morning has left red roses in her cheeks, and she looks radiant standing there smiling in front of him. He holds his arms out to her, his heart pounding in his chest.
"My angel..." he whispers, but loud enough for her to hear in the quiet morning. Her smile almost makes him lose his breath, and he realises his eyes are filling with tears. She runs into his arms, throwing her own arms around his neck. He squeezes her tightly, lifting her up off the ground and spinning her around. They hold on to each other, neither of them willing to let go. He releases his hold on her slightly, looking into her eyes.
"I missed you." he says, kissing her nose, her cheeks, her forehead. She giggles softly.
"I missed you, too." she smiles, and receives a tender kiss. How she has longed for his kisses, and he has only been away for a week. "You've been away too long, darling." she says, resting her head on his shoulder. He smiles and rests his hand against the back of her head, as if he is protecting her.
"I know, sweetheart... I know." he says, holding her just a little closer. She looks up into his eyes, and his breath catches in his throat. Her eyes have always done that to him. "My God, you are beautiful." he says softly, caressing her face with such love. Anyone who had been there then, would have seen and even felt the love between the couple. She blushes and smiles.
"Thank you." she whispers coyly, looking down at her feet. He tilts her chin up and kisses her. Without a word, he speaks to her of his undying love. She rests her hand on his cheek, the soft glove tickling his skin. In her eyes, he sees all the love she has for him and he smiles at her.
"Come on... I passed a lovely little café on the way here, they're already open." she says, and he picks up his bag and takes her hand.
"Let's go then, angel." he says. They walk dangerously close to one another, their fingers laced together as they make their way back up the street.


Blogger Chandra said...

That is such a beautiful short story. I had tears in my eyes reading it. The title is great too, I wouldn't change it. I hope you plan on writing more, you are really good at it. Bye!

11:02 AM  

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