Friday, February 03, 2006

To go or not to go...

Okay, so here's the thing... my friend is having this pre-party (aka vorspiel) at her house today before going out to the local watering hole. But I can't decide whether or not to go... I'm tired and fed up, and if I go I'll probably turn into Super Bitch. But if I chose to stay at home, I'll probably just regret it. My mum says that I should go "you're only 22, it'll do you good! you can't stay home when you're 22!" Thing is... I'm really not that much of a clubber. If I could have my choice between a quiet night in with a nice movie or going out clubbing, I'd stay home 8 out of 10 times. Going out is a hassle - especially in the winter - because you have to find something to wear, put your face on, find a pair of shoes that will get you into any club of your choice but still won't hurt like all hell after two hours. It's always crowded and hot, and when you got big coats in the winter time, you'll need to wear something that is just in between freezing and overheated. And you always end up spending more money than you decided. Then it's the whole "what to drink" thing at the pre-party... because in Norway, you need to get good and sloshed before you go out, cause the prices at clubs and bars will set you back about half a month's salary. Well, almost anyway... and it's not even enough liquor in it, just a little splash. Cheap bastards...
Staying home is that much more relaxing. You can just snuggle up in the sofa in your pj's, you won't need elaborate make-up and shoes that kill your feet. You don't spend any money, it's always nicely temperatured and there are few to none around you. And if you're lucky enough to have a significant other, you can cuddle up to him/her and just be warm and cozy. Sometimes, you probably miss out on a good night out with friends... but you can always have a good night out with your friends, it doesn't have to be the only time something fun's happened.

My mind changes like every 5 seconds. It's all "yeah, party, let's go!" one moment, then all "aww, no, cannot be arsed!" the next. It feels as if I'll burst into tears at any moment.. and I fear that I might if I go out and drink. Either that, or I get all sarcastic and cold. A right bitch... which I've been known to be at a few previous club-nights. If you know the character Karen off "Will & Grace", you'll have a fair idea of what I turn into. :o) I'm just a homebody at heart, the party-girl genes have completely skipped me. I think my brother got those genes, which I'm perfectly okay with.
AAAAARRRGGGGHHHHH....!!! I don't know what to do!! And my friend said "be here around 7pm - 8pm ish".. and it's almost ten past seven now, and I'm still as undecided as I was to start off with! I mean... I don't know what to wear or drink. And I've not eaten since 11 this morning, so that's 8 hours.. and I won't have time to eat at home before I go either, because dinner won't be ready until sometime after 8pm. And everyone knows that drinking on an empty stomach is bad... you get really drunk really quickly. You'll have a world class royal hangover the next day, and you'll be a hungry wreck, wolfing down food as if you were a bottomless pit. Not to mention probably ralphing a few times at the club... *shudder* Gross! But seriously - WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO???!!!! To go, or not to go, that is the question...


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