Friday, October 28, 2005

You and I - part 6

She steps out of the changing room, hearing and feeling how the fabric swooshes around her as she walks. The feeling inside her causes the smile on her face to grow just a little wider. She looks at her friends as she steps up onto the little platform in front of the mirrors. They smile at her, the looks on their faces revealing what they think. She closes her eyes as she slowly turns to face the mirrors. Her heart beats a little faster, and she exhales slowly as she opens her eyes. The image in the mirrors stares back at her, and she smiles. Her reflection smiles back at her from three different angles. The white dress fits perfectly, it's just as she has imagined.
"It's absolutely stunning." her friends all gush, standing up to get a better look at it.
"This is the dress..." she says smiling, turning every which way to see how it looks on her.
"You look amazing... he will just die." her one friend says. She smiles and let her hands run over the skirt of the dress, and across the beaded corset top. Some of the glass beads and crystals shimmer lazily under the shop's lights.
"She's is right, you know." another agrees.
"Does this dress have a veil?" she asks, turned to the shop assistant. The girl nodded smiling.
"Yes, miss, I have a few different styles. Would you like to see them all?" she asks.
"Yes, thank you." she says, the girls all smiling as the shop assistant leaves to find the veils. She returns some minutes later, handing a veil to her. Shei carefully places it on her head, and lifts part of it over her face. She gasps softly when she looks in the mirror.
"Don't try on any others! You have to have this one!" her friends say, gently straightening the veil. All the girls nod as they look at her reflection.

I'm out with the girls dress shopping. I'll be home by 5 o'clock, don't forget we're going to Tina and Jimmy's place tonight!
I'll see you later, hon.
I love you xoxo "
He reads the note over again, his fingers caressing the letters. He smiles to himself, thinking how his soon-to-be-bride must look heavenly in the dresses she is trying on. His phone beeps with a message, and he knows it's her.
"I found the dress. It's perfect! :o)" it reads, and he laughs. He writes a reply, telling her that she is the one to make the dress perfect. He closes his eyes, trying to imagine her in a wedding gown. But no matter how he tries, he knows he can never come close to how beautiful she will look when she walks down the aisle toward him.
"How did I get so lucky?" he says aloud to himself. The door goes, and she calls out his name. He gets up and hurries out into the hall, half expecting to see her carrying her dress yet knowing that he won't see it until their wedding day. She smiles at him as she hangs up her jacket.
"Hey honey." he says, kissing her cheek.
"Hey you, did you have a nice day?" she asks as they walk into the living room. He smiles, pulling her down on his knee.
"Yes, I did. And I trust you had a nice day, too?" he says, and she laughs.
"Very much so." she says, jumping up and walking over to her purse. "I got you something." she says, pulling a little bag out. He smiles at her as she walks back over to him, and he pulls her back down onto his knee.
"You got me something?" he asks, peering into the bag. She laughs, ruffling his hair. "This is exciting!" he says, pulling out a CD with a green ribbon. She looks at him.
"This is the one you've been searching for forever, isn't it?" she asks, and he nods as he pulls the ribbon off.
"Yeah, this is the one... this is it! Honey, where did you find this?" he asks, looking up at her amazed. She smiles, kissing his lips softly.
"We were in the record shop, and I just flicked through just to see if I found it for you. I always do that anywhere they sell music. And then there it was, just waiting for me to find it." she says, and he grins as he looks from her to the CD in his hands.
"Angel, you are the best!" he says, hugging her tightly. "Thank you so very much, this is so great!" he says. "Sweetheart... I'm just... amazed... and touched that you did this for me." he says, looking up at her. She smiles, kissing his hair.
"You're very welcome, darling." she says softly. He looks up at her and kisses her tenderly. "I love you so much..." he whispers, kissing her again.
"I love you too, honey..." she whispers back, lost in his kiss.


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