Sunday, September 18, 2005

When You Say You Love Me

This one is for you, honey...

Like the sound of silence calling
I hear your voice and suddenly I'm falling
Lost in a dream
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting
You say those words, my heart stops beating
I wonder what it means
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move
At times I can't hardly breathe

He felt as if he drowned in her eyes, even seeing her across the arrival's hall. She called out his name again, and his breath caught in his throat. Her voice was magic to him, perhaps the only part of her he loved just a little more than the rest of her. And he loved all of her more than any man could ever love a woman. He swore her eyes shone at him, even through the crowd and the distance between them. She moved, running toward him as if she floated on air. His bags dropped to the floor, and his arms opened out to her. A smile had come to his face and had stayed, and he was still unable to breathe when she beamed at him as she threw herself around his neck.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive

"Oh, angel!" he said, holding her tightly as he spun her around. She held onto him as if she was scared to let go. "Baby, you're here… oh, I love you…" she whispered in his ear. He gently put her back down on the floor, caressing her face before he kissed her tenderly, his heart not really beating at all. Every time she whispered she loved him, he found himself spellbound. "I love you more." he said, looking into her eyes and smiling. There was no one around, no one alive but the two of them. Only them, reunited after so long.

You're the one I've always thought of
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love
You're where I belong
And when you're with me if I close my eyes
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time
Somewhere between
The heavens and earth
I'm frozen in time
Oh, when you say those words

"Ever since I first met you, you were always on my mind. Even if I couldn't tell you how I felt for months. I was nervous, scared maybe that you wouldn't like me." he said, unable to take his eyes off of her as she stood in front of him smiling. "You have always been there for me, you know every little detail, every secret. And you are my safest shelter. There's nothing you won't protect me from." she said, feeling how his fingers caressed her hands as he held them in his. "I have never had all that you give me before. All your warmth, kindness and love. How you always know what to say and do at the right time. How you always make me laugh. No on has ever given me that until you." he said, smiling at her as he watched tears rising in her eyes. "You are my strength. When I am low and weak, all I have to do is seek you out and you make me feel strong. Like I can fly up and pick the sparkling stars from the night skies." she said, her voice faltering a little as her tears started trickling down her cheeks. "When you say you love me, time and space freezes and only you and I are alive." he said, the people watching them heaving a soft sigh as he reached out to dry her tears away. "When you say you love me, I am the most beautiful woman alive. The luckiest, because I am yours." she said, and he smiled as he brought her closer until their lips met in a gentle kiss. Much to the amusement of the people looking up at them.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive

"I love you…" he whispered, holding her tightly as they danced. She smiled, moving just a little closer. "I love you, too." she whispered back, looking at him as he leant in and kissed her. The world spun a little more slowly until it finally went so slow it almost stopped.

And this journey that we're on
How far we've come and I
Celebrate every moment
And when you say you love me
That's all you have to say
I'll always feel this way

He stood watching her as she danced with her friends, her laughter making him smile when it reached his ears. She turned and looked at him, smiling her brilliant smile at him and he just knew. "I'm sorry, I have to steal her for a moment." he said, smiling at her friends. "Take her away." they replied laughing as he brought her into his arms. "What is it?" she asked, stroking his cheek. "Can you believe we've made it here?" he said, and she smiled. "This has been my dream since I was a little girl… and the very best part, the one part I never even dared dream of when I was little… is that I'm living it right now with you." she said softly, tears shining in her eyes again. He kissed her softly. "I know exactly how you feel, baby." he whispered as he hugged her. "I will always feel this way… if my love alters, it will only be to grow stronger." he said, and she smiled. "You read my mind." she whispered in his ear, giggling softly as she kissed his cheek.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
In that moment I know why I'm alive

It was dark outside, the air was cold and it made all the little stars up on the dark sky twinkle a little extra. "Honey, you'll catch your death out here." he said, placing his jacket around her shoulders. She turned to him, and she seemed to radiate such a warm glow. "I'm warm enough." she said, winking at him as she pointed to her hot cheeks. He laughed. "Have I told you today how beautiful you look?" he said, and she nodded. "Many, many times." she said smiling. He laughed. "Well, you look amazing. You look like the angel that you truly are." he said, leading her back inside. "Awww…" she said, snuggling closer to him. "Come, it's time we left… there's a plane we have to be on." he said, taking her hands. She smiled as they walked to the front of the room. "We have to be on our way now, but you are more than welcome to stay for a while longer!" he announced, and their guests cheered.

When you say you love me
When you say you love me
Do you know how I love you?

She cuddled close to him when they were finally in their seats on the plane. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, kissing her hair. "I knew today when you walked up to me… I knew I was born to experience that moment with you. All my life has been leading up to this… to you… when I looked into your eyes today, I realised that you are my life. I've known all along, I only truly realised it today when you walked up to me looking more beautiful than ever." he said, and she smiled brilliantly up at him. "I love you so…" she said, kissing him softly. "When you tell me you love me… do you know how much I love you?" he asked, looking in her eyes. She smiled, and he hugged her tightly. "My beautiful wife…" he whispered against her hair, and she giggled. He rested his cheek against her head, and closed his eyes. The very idea of falling asleep and waking up next to her for the rest of their lives brought a smile to his face, and his heart skipped a beat in his chest. Their life had only just begun that very morning.

"When You Say You Love Me" - Josh Groban ©

Lady L., 2006 ©


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