Monday, January 02, 2006

Sometimes it hurts...

You know that feeling you get when you miss someone terribly..? Like you want to just lay in your bed, clutching a teddy bear and cry until you're all out of tears...? If you know how that feels, then you know how I feel.. only to me, it feels way worse. :o) My beautiful boyfriend lives in the US, and his mobile was recently turned off... which is fair enough, less bills to pay for his sake. But the thing is, the very same day my computer at home got a major virus attack and is now out of function... so I can't even talk to him on Messenger..! I live for those hours each night when I get to talk to him.. and now they're gone. I have such withdrawals you've no idea! :o) I miss him sooo much, and all I want is to be with him.. I go to sleep each night, imagining him beside me; kissing my forehead and stroking my cheek, whispering that I have sweet dreams and he'll miss me when he's sleeping... and that usually just makes me cry, so I fall asleep with tears on my face, whispering his name.. I don't know what to do, I miss him so much it hurts inside, and I've no idea when my computer is gonna be back.
Hands up the ones that have understood that I now utterly hate computer viruses?? hehehe Yeah, that's right.. clever readers. ;o)

I'm sat at work right now, but I've no desire whatsoever to work... I'm currently in customer service, and today I am not in the mood to be cheerful and help people.. I just want to go home, arrange myself in the sofa and sleep for 40 days. In 40 days, he's coming to see me... and I wish there was no January at all, just so that February would get here quicker! I'm probably gonna cry when I go to pick him up at the airport... lol I know, I know.. am an emotionally unstable mess..! :o) But I've a cold, a slight fever and the man I love more than anything in this world is far away and my computer is dead... can ya blame me for being emotionally unstable? ;o) lol


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