Sunday, January 28, 2007

How sweet

I received this little note in an email today, and I just thought it was so sweet that I had to post it on here, for all you ladies to read. The guys can also learn from this, so it is not exclusively for the girls! ;o)

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."

Now, some women are lucky enough to already have this guy, who does and says all the right things at the right times. I know I, for one, is one of them. My darling fiance must have been installed with this already embedded in his mind, because he tells me everyday I'm beautiful (and hot, so I get them both! lol). He kisses my hair, my nose, my cheeks, my forehead and my lips, even in front of his friends. There is never a day that goes by without him telling me that he loves me. And every chance he gets, he tells me he wouldn't know what to do without me. He brags about me to all his friends, and everyone he meets who is willing to lend an ear. And he does all of this of his own free will; I never have to make him do or say anything, it just comes naturally to him. As if treating me like a queen is the most normal thing in the world. Which, I have to admit, I have no problem with at all! lol :o) And I know, that for the rest of my life... he will do the same. Tell me he loves me each and every day, treat me like a queen and brag about me to everyone he knows. Even when I'm old and grey, he'll kiss my hair and tell me, "you look stunning today, princess" and he will mean it with every fibre of his being. He'll point me out to his friends at the senior centre and tell them, "... that's her."

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Good news jobwise!

I figured that since I've been bitching and moaning so much lately about my current job, I thought you all deserve to know that my applying for new jobs seems to start working for me. I have already been called into an interview for this international company next Thursday, and today I got a call on another job asking me to come in tomorrow morning for an interview! :o) I am very excited, and this lady didn't sound as if the three month resignation period would be a problem! I did tell her it would be in effect from February 1st (I guess I really do need to get my resignation drawn up and handed in now), but that I wasn't sure whether or not they would be willing to let me go sooner if I had another job all lined up. And the lady went "oh, that's good to know, I'll keep that in mind for later." :D I am very excited, so I'm going home after work today to find all my necessary papers and to pick out a nice outfit. I'm going for classy and subtly professional, yet without being OTT. Which basically translates into all black with funky necklace and high-heeled boots. ;o)
I hope they like me, and I go further... or that I even get it! It sounded like the kinda job I'd like to do. Bit of everything, but without being tied to the phones to answer customer calls. Lovely! :o)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

All my crowns

I have a confession to make. I am a "Miss". By that, I mean "pageant queen"... you get the point. I have been Miss Rising Insecurity, Miss Negative Self-Esteem, Miss Shy-and-Quiet and Miss Growing-Outwards-Not-Upwards for a whole 23 returning years. Yes, I have been crowned and adorned with a satin sash since 1983. My goddamn closet is filled with trophies with little statues of weeping, crumbling, bashful and 'compact' (in lack of a better word) women on top. By the way, those titles are not real, it's just something I made up.

Anyway, I am - as you all by now should be well aware of - sick and tired of my job. Today, I called this lady back who called me yesterday about one of the jobs I applied for. I was interested in this job, and she was obviously interested in me as a successful candidate for it as well. But it was a rather short and unfulfilling phone call...

Me: Hi, you called me yesterday about a receptionist job?
Her: Oh, right, hi! Yes, I'm very interested in talking to you. Are you currently working?
Me: Yes, I am.
Her: All right, and how long is your resignation period?
Me (insecure now): Umm, three months...
Her: Oh... this job has a rather immediate start date. I'm sorry. But I'll keep your application and resume here, in case something else comes up that I think you'll be right for.
Me: Oh, right... well, thanks for calling me anyway.
Her: No problem!
Me: Bye.
Her: Bye!

Do you understand?! I lost a job I probably could have easily gotten because of my stupid THREE MONTH resignation period. In my little rant, I wrote my parents an email saying I'm bloody fed up and I want them to send me previous resignation letters they've written. So my dad calls me, and tells me I should ask for a meeting with my boss and explain the situation. I don't think he realises what an entirely stupid idea that is. I just now in December had this evaluation at work, where my boss told me how great she thinks I am and that I fit in so well here and all that bullshit. She asks if I have any comments, and how I feel about the job. And because of my many titles that I have mentioned earlier, I naturally didn't tell her that the customers make me what to scream and/or throw up. That I cannot stand it for another minute, and that I want to get the hell outta customer service as fast as I can. Instead, I just averted my eyes and shrugged, going "Oh, I don't know... it's great." I am going to hell for telling lies, people!! And now, my dad wants me to sit down with her saying, "I can't take it anymore, it drives me off the flippin' wall." THAT IS NOT HAPPENING! And he said that I shouldn't resign until I have another job ready and secured, but my problem is that my three month long resignation period means that any other place of employment would rather go with their second choice candidate than me (if I am the first choice) becase the second choice is free right away. He goes "three months go by before you know it, and what if you're unemployed then?"

It just makes me so mad, that I just spontaneously burst into tears, feeling like hitting someone until they stop fighting my blows and lie dead on the ground, and even then keep hitting. I am so angry that even writing this makes me tear up and type so hard the keyboard creaks and threatens to die. I have a pain in my jaw because I clench my teeth shut so hard to keep from screaming until my insanity and anger goes away. Never before have I been this frustrated, without being able to do anything about it except hope that some company wants me to work for them enough to wait for THREE BLOODY MONTHS whilst I work out my resignation period.

I have to stop now, because I'm just burying myself in complete and utter frustration. lol

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I've had enough!

I have had it!! I swear to God, I'm going insane! There are so many IDIOTS calling me today, I'm about to lose it entirely. Like this one guy I just talked to... oh my gosh, what a freakin' moron!

Him: I just want the one free magazine, and then it will stop.
Me: Yes, that's what the ad says, so that's what you'll get: just the one free magazine. Should you want to continue with a subscription, you can contact us.
Him: But, I won't pay anything for the magazine unless I want to start a subscription?
Me: That's right.
Him: There will be a phone number to customer service on the invoice?
Me: Yes, our contact information is printed on the invoices.
Him: But I'm getting it for free, why do I get an invoice?
Me (now more agitated): Because the invoice is the name-carrier of the magazine. It will be one with the magazine, even if you won't have to pay for it at all. It will just say "zero" on the invoice.
Him: But I'm not supposed to pay for it.
Me (getting pissed off): Yes, I know that...! But the invoice is the name-carrier. Without it, the magazine won't be sent to you.
Him: So, I get the one for free?
Me: Yes, correct.
Him: And if I want to continue, I contact you?
Me: Yes.
Him: But we're clear on the fact that it'll be just the one free magazine first?
Me (snarling by this point): Yes, that is correct. *hitting mute, I now curse him left right and centre*
Him: So it will just be the one free, and if I want to continue I contact you.
Me: Yes, you got it. It's all clear on that now, thank you.
Him: All right, I don't trust these kinds of offers...
Me: *with mic on mute* Fucking moron!! Don't sign up for them, fucking dumbass!! *mute off* Everything's all right here now, sir.
Him: Okay, thanks.
Me (now fuming, barely able to sound pleasant with a dangerous venom dripping from my words): Bye bye, sir.

Can you be more stupid?!?!? I mean, hello?! If it says it's free with no strings attached, then that's what you'll get. And if you're concerned and ask when ordering, and you get the same reply as the ad says, then it's just the one goddamn free magazine! Aaargh!!

I've now printed six new want-ads that I'm going to send my application in to. I hope I get called in for some interviews, and hopefully that someone is willing to consider hiring me. Then maybe you will find some more pleasant posts about work from me. ;o)