Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bit of promo work

I have a confession to make. I am an absolute sucker for love songs. I can't help myself, but they are so beautiful... they have the power to make me cry at just one line, to make me smile with another. I truly, honest-to-God love those songs more than any popstar's floor-filler. And if a love song is really, really good... it will live forever. You know it's true, and I know most of y'all have some love songs that you just love. No matter how hard rock you are, there's always one love song that will do something to you. Not to worry, I won't tell! ;o)
For those of you like me out there, I have recently discovered a new album that will just hit you right in the heart. It's Westlife's new cd "The Love Album". It contains 11 stunning lovesongs, and they all have the power to give you chills from the roots of your hair to the tip of your toes.
Buy the album, if you love those fantastic classic love songs. You know the ones... those all-out-full-blown-gospelchoir-symphony-orchestra-massive-build-up-powerful-final-chorus-gives-ya-goosebumps songs. The cd is filled with them, and they are so beautiful. The lads' voices are amazing, and if you - like me - have been a fan since day one, you can actually tell how their voices have evolved since the very first single. An amazing album, filled with some of the most beautiful and memorable love songs there are. And the lads sing them so well, they are truly at the top of their game with a cd like this. Perfect stocking-filler for someone you love, I'd say! ;o)

Right... that does it for the "promo work"..! lol Just needed to tell everyone to BUY THAT CD!! :D

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A strange feeling

Despite seemingly neverending phone queues, and DAMN ANNOYING customers, I feel rather happy today. Looking at me last night when the "situation" occurred, you wouldn't think I'd feel sorta happy today. Right... let's get y'all up to speed on what happened...
I sat minding my own business, talking to hubby on MSN and having a quiet night in. Until 11.17pm when my phone rang with a mysterious number I later tracked to Switzerland (apparently a calling card number). I answered, and the conversation went something like this: Me: Hello-o...?
Mysterious caller: Umm, Liz?
Me: Ya...
Mysterious caller: Umm, hi...
Me: Who is this?
Mysterious caller: It's... um, me... Tyler.
Me: *hung up in a hurry*
I obviously must have looked disturbed, because hubby asked what was wrong and who had called. I just gave what resembled a cross between a snort and a high-pitched moan (it sounded like that to me, anyway). Again, slighty more worried for future wife's mental health, hubby asked who had called. When I told him, he seemed as taken aback as I felt.
At 11.20pm, the phone rang again with the same weird number. This time, the conversation went like this:
Me: Stop calling me!
11.21pm, it rings again. This time, I put the bastard on speaker phone.
Him: Just give me a minute...
Me: Fine..!
Him: I'm calling... because...
Hubby: Stop calling her, you asshole!
Me: *snigger* Your minute's up!

A whopping 2 minutes after, at 11.23pm, the phone rings again! This time, I am too agitated to answer, so I let it ring and off it goes to my voicemail. And as expected, a couple minutes after my phone beeps with a message. On my answering machine is this message.
Him: I, umm... there's been an accident, and I know I wasn't allowed to call, but I had to... accident... near dead... sorry... talk to you...
Much of the message I don't even hear, the blood is pounding angrily in my ears, blocking out all sound as I conjure up an image of sinking a big knife into his flesh. And laughing whilst I do it. Later in the evening, I receive an email in which he says he's writing this to me on the day he's supposed to be dead. Instinctively, I asked "then why the hell aren't you?!" to hubby's amusement and agreement. The bugger actually had the nerve to say he didn't ever think he could forgive me. Yes, him forgive me! HAH! I was the one deceived for five years, and nearly raped. He has no reason to not forgive me, because I never did anything wrong. My agitated reply read something like this:
How did you get my phone number? And where the hell do you get off saying "I thought I could never forgive you"?! You were the one that lied, deceived and damned near raped me! It should be that I can never forgive you... and I won't. I don't care what happens to you, so don't call and mess up my life again. It doesn't matter what bloody scenario might cause you to think of me, I never want to hear it so never contact me again.
I never want to hear from you again, so forget that you somehow found my number. Erase it from wherever you have it written down, and I swear to God if I hear your voice again when I answer the phone - you will have hell to pay. I will take this matter further in order to keep you away from me if you do not stop contacting me.
This morning when I came into work, I had mentally prepared myself for a sob-story email; aimed at my weak nature, its goal to make me feel bad for him. But instead I got victory. I had bloody well gone and won! His email finished with these words:
Goodbye Liz, you will never hear from me again...

HOORAY!!! :o) I am victorious! All bow to the magnificent moi!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Bit of a moan - part 2 (this is important, people)


I wanna punch something (preferably a customer) sooo hard!! I had a shitty start to the week, and guess what...? It ends the same effin' way! There's been like 14 - 20 stupid dumbasses (aka customers) in queue on the phones since the lines opened at 9am this morning. By 9.30am, I'd been yelled at by two pissed off people. I have such a gratifying job, I just can't say enough good things about it. *sarcastic snigger* Hah! lol

I just have one plea to all of you people out there... Do not, I repeat DO NOT, call customer service just to vent on whoever answers the call. That particular person has not personally done whatever you claim has been done to you by the company they work for, and they are not responsible for things you should have remembered to do, things that you - by every and all accounts - are fully responsible for. All they can do, is try and help you sort out the mess you have made of things. Treat your CSR with respect and kindness, and they will do the same to you. If you yell and threaten them, you will get nothing but angry remarks written on your account with the company. And every CSR after that, will see what a complete and utter ass you've been, and therefore treat you like shit because you are.
Sidebar; if you threaten a CSR, you will only make that particular person angry or hurt, so please... for the love of all that is holy, aim your anger on those responsible for your fucked up, miserable little life. Yourself.
If you are pleasant on the phone with a CSR, they will write a remark that you've been an examplary customer, and they will tell all their colleagues what a nice, pleasant and easy-to-deal-with customer they just spoke to. Maybe even give you a goddamn smiley face.

Moral of the story: you are the one at fault, at all and every time. Do not blame everyone else for what you have fucked up. Never call customer service at any company unless you have something nice to say, or can manage to say it in a nice manner.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Bit of a moan


Okay, got that out my system... lol I am not having the best start to the week. I have a killer headache because of all the fuckwit customers who call in to bitch and moan. I am so effin' sick of it! *anger boiling* Right... calming down now. ;o)
As if that's not enough, I am currently having massive internal hysterical sobfests. I love my apartment, but I hate being there alone all day and night. I am in serious withdrawl when it comes to my hubby-to-be... last night, I had one of my internal hysterics, and the second he wrote me "Hi baby!" on MSN, I broke out in tears. Yeah, I got it together. NOT! :o) And the poor thing... I think I might've made him feel guilty about him being where he is, which he really shouldn't because he works so hard to leave. I don't think he knows how very proud I am of him for what he does, in order for the two of us to be together. He works so hard to save money, and he is leaving all that he knows behind for a country way up near the North Pole on the globe. He is completely uprooting himself, leaving behind his family and his friends, his job and all the security he has there. To come here; where he won't have a job to go to right away, where he doesn't completely speak the language, where he is totally exposed to everything without any form of the security he had back where he came from. My husband is a brave man for doing something like this, and no one could be more proud of him than what I am.