Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Return to blonde... again

Right, so last time I went to the hairdresser, I didn't quite end up with the "Marilyn locks" I had imagined. Seeing as my hair is slightly darker blonde, it ended up more of a bronze-like blonde. It was rather nice, only I wanted blonde-blonde! lol So this Saturday, it's off to the hair salon we go.. and this time, I will be blonde! Dammit, I've made my mind up, and they will make me the blonde I really am! :o) I mean.. right now, I kinda look bad, because I'm darker on top and blonder at the ends. I've not had time to colour it after I was at the salon last. ("Poor innocent me. And all this time I thought you were a bona fide blonde.") Thankfully, winter is the time to wear hats or your hoodies up! ;o) I suppose I'm not actually a proper blonde.. I do "fake it". Only the hair colour, mind you..! The blonde moments of complete stupidity are all mine! lol

Anywhoo... on Saturday in the AM, I will be feeling the blondness seeping back into me, by way of hair dye! ;o) I feel better when my hair's done... like I'm allowed to act dumb and to snigger secretly at those who do believe I'm actually a proper dumb blonde. I do believe Dolly Parton said it best: "I'm not offended by those dumb blonde jokes. I know I'm not dumb, and I know I'm not blonde". That's a right classic! ;o)

And for those of you daring now to think of me as nothing less than a "halfblood blonde", maybe making wisecracks at me not being a natural blonde as one man once foolishly did, I tell you what Miss Monroe told him ...

"I am. But nobody's that natural. And incidentally, fuck you."


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