Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Movies I can't wait to see

I just cannot wait to see "Mamma Mia!" when it comes out (in Norway) July 10th! It premieres here the day after I turn 25 (*shudder*), so I will be in need of a funny, romantic, feel-good, all-out girly movie that day, I'm certain! ;) And besides... Meryl Streep is in it, and I just LOVE her. I can't wait to hear her sing; I know she has an amazing voice, and hearing her belt out classic ABBA tracks will be heaven! lol Especially for a hungover, somewhat sad, newly-turned 25 year-old..! The fact that Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth co-stars as two of three possible fathers of the bride, also helps a lot. Sexy men (who sings and quite possibly also dances, by the way) and amazing Meryl who acts and sings her heart out. Perfect remedy to get over the fact that I'm halfway to fifty, no? ;)

I read today that there will possibly be a movie about the Fraggles!! Yes, it's true, they're talking about giving them an entire movie! Actually, it will most likely be a musical, it said, but still.. how cool is that? I remember watching that show on telly when I was little... the themesong still gets stuck in my head like nobody's business! :) If they do make the movie, I will definitely go see it! Apparently, the Fraggles will be going into the human world... ooh, exciting! ;)

Watch this space for more movies I wanna go see...! lol